
Toronto seniors celebrate Christmas

Members of the Toronto Senior Citizens group held their annual Christmas party to celebrate the season at the Karaffa Recreation Center. A dinner was catered by Chester restaurant Connie’s Corner. The entertainment for the evening was provided by magician Jason Christopher, who delighted the audience with his performance. Those in attendance brought in a dozen cookies each, which were then packaged for the Toronto Police Department, the Toronto Fire Department and those who work for TEMS. The cookies were delivered the following day by President John Livingstone. Drawings were held for gifts donated by Bonnie Ewing, Mable Strovilas, Jean Barker, Patty Smith and Arlene Rice-Obertance. Those attending the Christmas celebration included special guests Mayor John Parker and his wife, Tracey, and Jeff and Jay Foster of the J.E. Foster Funeral Home.

— Contributed


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