
Thursday Music Club to hold concert

TIS’ THE SEASON — Women taking part in the singing concert for the Thursday Music Club event include, from left, front, Betsy Viewig, Susan Moore, Betty Griffin, Suzanne McCormick, Betty Lane and Janet Jaquay; second row, Judy Beaver, Peggy Laing, Paula Lewis, Linda Wilson, Lori Helmick, Marie Farnsworth, Linda Leithe, Pam Leech and Director Anita Chops; and back, Nancy West, Linda Wade, Sue Pevac, Sandy Loughman, Susie Schmulevich, Alice Runkle and accompanist Debbie Breiding. -- Contributed

WHEELING — The Thursday Music Club Chorus will be performing their Christmas concert at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Char House on the Boulevard, located in Bethlehem. The program is under the direction of Anita Chops. The accompanist is Debbie Breiding.

The chorus will be singing various Christmas favorites, including “Santa Baby,” “O Holy Night,” “Feliz Navidad,” “Winter Wonderland” and several others.

“This group of ladies really enjoy getting together and putting on a fun show,” Chops said.

Soloists within the group will be featured. This Christmas program will be shared later in the month of with several seniors who are residing in assisted living homes throughout the area, including Good Shepherd, Welty Home, Elmhurst and St. Paul’s Terrace, officials said.

Kami Lee Martin, a 9-year-old student who has studied piano and vocal performance, is scheduled to perform during this program.

She is a student who was selected during the spring auditions to perform during the September meeting of the Thursday Music Club, but due to illness, was unable to perform at that time.

Lunch will follow the program.

New members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year for an annual membership fee of $20.

Reservations are required and can be made by calling Sandy Smith at (304) 242-1628.


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