
Sycamore drama class to present ‘Peter Pan’

SYCAMORE TO PRESENT ‘PETER PAN’ — Pupils and students who are taking part in the Sycamore Youth Center’s drama class will be performing a rendition of the classic movie “Peter Pan,” at 5 p.m. today, and at 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — The Sycamore Youth Center’s drama class will presents “Peter Pan,” for theater enthusiasts searching for a production to attend.

Those in the drama class will take to the stage in an adapted version directed by Virginia Carpenter. This rendition of the timeless classic showcases the talent and imagination of area youths, ranging in age from 7 to 15.

“In an era where entertainment can often feel fleeting, the Sycamore Youth Center drama class aims to deliver performances that are heartwarming, memorable and thought-provoking,” stated Bobbyjon Bauman, executive director of the center. “This production promises to delight audiences of all ages, bringing to life the magic and wonder of ‘Peter Pan.'”

Performances are free of charge and will take place at the center on the following dates: 5 p.m. Tuesday, 7 p.m. Wednesday and 7 p.m. Thursday.

“Whether you are planning a night out with friends, a family outing or a memorable date night, this local production is sure to leave a lasting impression,” Bauman concluded. “Don’t miss this opportunity to support the arts and witness the vibrant creativity of our community’s young performers.”


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