
Live nativity coming to Weirton

A MURAL UNLIKE ANY OTHER — New Cumberland artist Brent Haynes, left, has completed his mural depicting the story of the birth of Christ. -- Contributed

WEIRTON — It was a night unlike any other. Dec. 25. The day on which Jesus was born.

And that night — unlike any other — has been portrayed on a mural unlike any other in the city of Weirton. This weekend, those throughout the community will have the opportunity to see the finished exhibit in its entirety as a live drive-through nativity is planned between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Saturday. The event will be held at the Promise of Victory Church of God, located at 4215 Wells St.

The drive-through will feature a live nativity scene which depicts the Biblical account of Mary and Joseph as they headed into Bethlehem so that Mary could give birth to Jesus, the son of God.

Artist Brent Haynes of New Cumberland has captured the passages we have read and brought the scene to life. He painted the couple as they made their way into the city. The scene displays Mary and Joseph looking for an inn at which to stop for the night. It shows the three wise men riding their camels as they head toward the star of Bethlehem. It displays the three shepherds, who along with their flock of sheep, are heading toward that same star. It is the first mural of its kind to be painted in the city of Weirton, officials stated, adding it is also one of the largest murals in the area.

Standing at 13-feet high, 184-feet in length and covers 2,400 square feet, the mural spans the concrete wall situated behind the church. Haynes explained his reasoning behind doing this, saying it is to help the Christ for the Promise of Victory Church of God celebrate the birth of Christ and to serve as a background for its live drive-through nativity, making it more realistic.

The largest mural of its kind in Weirton, the mural will serve as the backdrop for an upcoming live drive-through nativity, set to take place from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Promise of Victory Church of God, located at 4215 Wells St. in Weirton. -- Contributed

This special event includes various live animals which are brought in to help tell the Christmas story, making it even more authentic for those attending.

The family-focused activity will feature participants from the church who volunteered to take part in this unique experience. Volunteers will be dressed in Biblical garb, portraying characters from scenes in the Bible pertaining to the story of the birth of Christ. As cars enter the left parking lot of the church, passengers will be asked their choice as to how they would like to hear the story of Jesus’s birth.

Passengers can either listen along on their car radio where they can tune in to a particular station to hear the nativity story, or they can scan a provided QR code upon entering and listen from their cell phone. Guests will be served hot chocolate and cookies, free of charge during the event.

Haynes painted the mural last summer for the church’s drive-through nativity and worked this summer and the last few weeks completing the project.

Haynes is no stranger to painting for the Ohio Valley, as he assisted Boulder artist Michael Wojczuk in painting a Market Street scene as the first mural in Steubenville during 1986.

In 1988, Haynes painted a mural in the courtyard of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, showing Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.


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