
DAR discusses upcoming events

WEIRTON — The Fort Steuben Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met at Giovanni’s restaurant Nov. 9.

Regent Mary Ann Jesse called the meeting to order, the invocation and blessing were given by Chaplain Roberta Fedoush, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by First Vice Regent Jeanne Vega, the American’s Creed was led by America 250 Chairman Francine Hauldren and the national anthem was led by Tammy Kotyk.

Following lunch and the afternoon’s program, Vega introduced Kotyk and Tracey Dysert, who discussed the requirements for submitting supplemental applications.

Secretary Vickie Joseph read the minutes and Teasurer Patti D’Aurora gave the treasurer’s report.

D’Aurora reported the chapter’s CD was re-invested for five months at 4.75 percent interest. She reminded members dues needed to be paid before Sunday. Those who have not paid are considered resigned as of Feb. 28.

Under committee reports, Hauldren reported historical fun facts have been going well. The latest topic was, “Bond, James Bond,” which dealt with spying during the Revolutionary War. She read the program to the chapter.

Hauldren, acting as conservation chairman, gave information on monarch butterflies, noting due to environmental changes, they are nearing extinction.

National Defense Chairman Karen Blanc reminded members of November dates to remember, including Veterans Day, Washington being admitted to the union, the tomb of the unknown soldier being dedicated, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated and the Womens Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated.

Veterans Affairs Chairman Nicole Balakos submitted her report, which was read by Jesse. Chapter information was given regarding the national 988 lifeline, a free and confidential service for veterans and their families.

Jesse spoke about wish lists for the 160th Ohio National Guard and the 171st from Pittsburgh, both of which are currently deployed. Chapter members will have an opportunity to send items on the wish lists to troops.

Womens Issues Chairman Janet Rymer noted November was womens abuse prevention month. She invited members to attend the next meeting of the Disciples Womens group at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Weirton First Christian Church. Hauldren will be the speaker.

JAC Chairman Nancy Valles reported student projects were to be picked up Monday and judging is taking place at 10 a.m. today at the Weirton First Christian Church. Members were encouraged to volunteer as judges.

Members were encouraged to submit their Service to America hours.

Dysert informed the chapter the T-shirt sale has been put on hold until the designer recovers from being ill. She suggested a spring project to clean the DAR markers at Union Cemetery.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the chapter will not meet at Giovanni’s in December.

After a discussion by members, Second Vice Regent Sue Davidson arranged to have the meeting at the Schiappa Library.

Members were asked to consider taking an office or chairmanship in the next term. Nominating committee members will be contacting members to request their active participation in the coming term.

Members were asked to suggest a topic for the chapter’s scholarship contest. No suggestions were offered. Scholarship Chairman Melinda Young will be consulted about a topic. The chapter’s Christmas auction and sale will take place at its next meeting, set for noon Saturday at the library.

Condolences were said for the family of Joann Morrison, and for associate Tammi Barrick, who lost her husband. Prayers were said for Rymer, Denise White, Barbara Starkey, Starlene Zedicker, Jason, Tracey and Ruth Ann Dysert, Tyler Crawford and for all victims of hurricanes and flooding.

Members were asked to send cards or call those on the sunshine report.


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