
Community news from around the area

Seven Ranges to meet

WINTERSVILLE — The Seven Ranges Joint Fire District Board of Trustees will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. Jan. 8. The meeting will take place at 300 Airpark Road. The re-organizational meeting will follow, officials announced.

Class of ’59 holds meeting

STEUBENVILLE — Members of the Steubenville High School Class of 1959 held their monthly luncheon Dec. 11 at Froehlich’s Classic Corner restaurant. The class had 21 people in attendance. Norina Eroshevich provided the blessing prior to the meal.

Glen and Mary Campbell were welcomed to the meeting at which Deanna Nodianos provided the birthday cake for those celebrating a birthday within the month of December.

Those in the group discussed Access Education on Channel 15. Classmates explained these local programs promote Steubenville, Historic Fort Steuben and the Tri-State Area.

Christmas blessings were extended to all present and wished for all those who were unable to attend, members stated. The class’s next meeting will take place at 12:30 p.m. Jan. 8 at Froehlich’s. To make a reservation, contact Eroshevich at (740) 219-2234.

Cemetery association to meet

EAST SPRINGFIELD — The East Springfield Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday inside the Friendship Room of the East Springfield Community Center. The meeting will be open to the public, with everyone welcome to attend, officials commented.

Senior Tours announced

WEIRTON — Regina Truax, president and member of various local clubs, has announced the upcoming year’s tours that are being conducted by Senior Tours.

The public is invited to attend any of the following trips, by contacting Truax at (304) 723-0419.

Participants will go to see “Dirty Dancing,” at the Capitol Theater, Wheeling, at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13. Guests will stop for dinner at Mehlman’s Cafeteria, paying for their own meal.

A trip to see Vicki Lawrence and Mama, a two-woman show, is planned at the Capitol Theater at 4 p.m. March 9. Guests will stop for dinner at Mehlman’s Cafeteria, paying for their own meal.

A visit to the Rock and Roll Doo Wop Vol. 26 will take place at the Capitol Theater at 7 p.m. April 5. Dinner will take place at Mehlman’s Cafeteria, with guests covering the cost of their own meal.

A trip is planned at the Hollywood Meadows Casino April 9. Transportation is included in the cost.

Guests can take part in a trip to Atlantic City, staying at Bally’s, from May 18-21. Four meals and transportation are covered in the cost.

A visit is planned to Sugar Creek on June 27.

Guests will have the opportunity to see “Sister Act,” at the Lincoln Park Theater, at 2 p.m. June 29. Dinner will be held at Connie’s Corner, with guests paying for their own meal.

A trip to Hartville is planned on July 18.

Guests can visit the Everett Railroad, Western Maryland Scenic Railroad and more from July 23-25.

A trip to Seneca Resorts and Casino is planned from Sept. 24-26. Food, baggage handling and transportation are included.

Christmas in New York will take place with a visit to Radio City Music Hall, a Christmas spectacular featuring Rockefeller Center and the 9/11 Memorial will be included on Nov. 17-20.

A visit to see Oglebay’s Festival of Lights is planned, with dinner at the Wilson Lodge and transportation on Nov. 14.


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