
Community news from around the area

Christmas in the Village set

WELLSVILLE — The group Moving Wellsville Forward will present Christmas in the Village Wellsville from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Wellsville Alumni Center, located at 201 Third St.

In addition to an appearance by Santa Claus, more than 20 vendors will be on site selling various holiday items.

The alumni committee will be selling hot foods, a coloring contest will be held and an ornament-making craft will be one of many activities for children.

A live concert will be given by Bill Crawford from noon to 2 p.m., disc jockey Greg Pullie will play musical selections between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and trivia will be played throughout the afternoon.

Those answering correctly will win a gift card, according to officials, who noted a chance auction and a 50/50 drawing are planned.

The Eyes on Wellsville group will have a collection box set up for its toy drive.

Anyone is welcome to bring a new toy to donate to needy children this Christmas season, officials said.

Slack’s Antique Mall will host an outdoor market, complete with vendors, food trucks and a basket auction on Main Street from noon to 4 p.m.

The day will conclude with the Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade at 6 p.m. Follow Christmas in the Village Wellsville on Facebook for updates.

Mingo to hold Christmas party

MINGO JUNCTION — The Mingo Senior Center will hold its annual Christmas party from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

The afternoon will include a 50/50 drawing, Chinese auction, door prizes, a visit from Santa Claus and music performed by Rich Grimm.

Ham, desserts, salad, coffee, pop and water will be among the food and beverages that will be served.

Officials stated those interested in attending should RSVP to any of the following individuals: Diane Pernick at (740) 275-2798; Fred Center at (740) 535-1639; or Pat Cramblett at (740) 632-1683.

Christmas parade set for Saturday

RICHMOND — Richmond will hold its annual Christmas parade at 5 p.m. Saturday, with participants asked to line up for the event by 4:30 p.m. at Hardy Field.

Organizer Donna Corder explained members of the Richmond Methodist Church will be at the gazebo serving free cocoa and treats to those interested.

Santa Claus will make his way to the parade with the help of those from Festival in the Woods Committee, the Richmond-based nonprofit helping to spearhead this year’s drive-through light display, Christmas Magic.

Christmas Magic will run from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today and on Saturday. It will conclude next week, when it holds its final viewing from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 20-21. The display also is being spearheaded by Screwy Louie’s Party Rentals.

During the light display hours, area vendors will be selling various items for the holidays at Richmond Park’s new shelter house.

Guests will have an opportunity to browse, shop and enjoy food and hot chocolate throughout both evenings.

Quinn Memorial to hold program

STEUBENVILLE — The Melinda Guy Women’s Missionary Society of Quinn Memorial AME Church will be holding its Rolling of the Scroll program at 3 p.m. Sunday.

The activity will take place at the church, located at 515 North St. As the scroll is rolled, the names of loved ones in memory or in honor of will be read.

Deacon James Donaldson from Mount Zion Baptist Church in Triadelphia will serve as narrator. Lisa Mason has been named as mistress of ceremonies.

Participating will include co-chairs Ilana Chester and Women’s Missionary Society President Marge Monaco.

The Rev. Jeff Stanford of Second Baptist Church in Steubenville will give the prayer, and the Rev. Melody Essex of Shaffer Chapel AME Church in McIntyre will read the scripture. Charlene Dawkins from Greater Zion Temple Family Worship Center will be the guest pianist and render musical selections. Soloists will be Solomon Huffman and Melinda Iverson, along with other musical guests.

All area residents are invited to attend the program, officials said. In addition, guests will have the opportunity to meet the new pastor of Quinn Memorial Church, the Rev. Anthony D. Moore Jr.

Church to present the Christmas story

WEIRTON — Weirton’s Morning Star Baptist Church will present an original production of “The Birth of Jesus,” at 1 p.m. Dec. 21.

Led under the direction of the Rev. James E. Brown, the church is located at 3124 Weir Ave.

The community is invited to view the original production of the Christmas story, which is free of charge, according to officials.


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