
Community news from around the area

Center to hold dinner fundraiser

UNIONPORT — The Wayne Township Community Center will be holding a baked steak dinner fundraiser from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday at the center, located in Unionport. The cost will be $15 per person and includes dinner, a drink and dessert. All of the proceeds raised go toward the upkeep of the center, officials stated.

White to perform concert

STEUBENVILLE — Jonathan White will hold a concert at Finley Church at 6 p.m. Sunday. White has sung for a variety of audiences, from the Grand Ole Opry to the Bill Gaither Homecoming Concert Series, to the little church down the street, performing in a variety of styles for every age group. Styles include hymns, Southern gospel, contemporary, opera and country. The church, located on Lincoln Avenue in Steubenville, is inviting all area residents to attend this evening full of uplifting music and worship.

Festival of Nine Lessons set

WINTERSVILLE — Wintersville Catholic parishes, which include Blessed Sacrament Church and Our Lady of Lourdes Church, will be presenting A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Blessed Sacrament Church, located at 852 Main St. in Wintersville.

The festival is a service of scripture readings and hymns dating back to the late 19th century, officials commented. The service consists of nine scripture lessons recounting the “Fall of Man,” the “Promise of a Messiah,” the “Incarnation” and the “Great Commission,” to preach the good news. Each lesson is followed by a brief prayer, reflecting on the lesson’s message, along with a carol or hymn. There will be choral selections and congregational singing, as well. Following the service, a reception will be held in Sargus Hall, located next to the church.


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