
Community news from around the area

Pet photos with Santa coming Sunday

NEW CUMBERLAND — The Hancock County Humane Foundation will be holding its annual Photos with Santa event from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at Pet Supplies Plus in Weirton.

Those interested in have their photo and their pet’s photo taken with the visitor from the North Pole can do so for a $15 donation.

The donation includes online and print photos, organizers stated.

All of the proceeds raised through the fundraiser will go toward helping the homeless animals the foundation cares for.

For information, contact the humane foundation at (304) 224-2590.

Those interested in adopting from the nonprofit organization, can visit the foundation at 241 Ohio River Blvd. In New Cumberland.

Sycamore makes Giving Tuesday plea

STEUBENVILLE — The Sycamore Youth Center made a plea to those who chose to participate in the annual Giving Tuesday event, the day in which people choose to make a difference by contributing to organizations, nonprofits and to make their community better.

Executive Director Bobbyjon Bauman invited area residents to partner with the center, as it continues making a difference in the lives of more than 500 students throughout the city.

“Rooted in the love of Christ, the center provides free after-school programs that offer a safe and encouraging space for children to discover their God-given potential,” Bauman explained.

“Through more than 60 weekly classes, including music, art, cooking and STEM, we equip young minds with valuable skills and foster their spiritual and personal growth,” he stated.

“With the help of more than 80 dedicated volunteers, we aim to reflect Christ’s love and hope to the next generation,” Bauman concluded. “Your gift toward our $2,000 goal will ensure we can continue this vital ministry, nurturing young hearts and minds for His glory.”

Those interested in contributing toward the Giving Tuesday collection can send in their donation with a check made payable to the Ohio Valley Youth Network, the nonprofit which owns and runs the Sycamore Youth Center.

Checks can be mailed to: Sycamore Youth Center, 301 N. Fourth St., Steubenville, OH 43952.

Those wanting to give online can do so through the link facebook.com/donate/1083111516638560/?fundraiser_source=external_url.

Mingo to hold Christmas party

MINGO JUNCTION — The Mingo Senior Center will be holding a Christmas party from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 14.

Organizers stated donations for the event are welcome.

The afternoon will include a 50/50 drawing, Chinese auction, door prizes, a visit from Santa and music by Rich Grimm.

Ham, desserts, salad, coffee, pop and water are among the food and beverages that will be served.

Officials noted those interested in attending need to RSVP to any of the following: Diane Pernick at (740) 275-2798; Fred Center at (740) 535-1639; or Pat Cramblett at (740) 632-1683.

Steubenville retirees meet

STEUBENVILLE — Steubenville City Schools Retirees met for their monthly luncheon at Abdalla’s Tavern & Grill in Stratton Nov. 14.

Officials stated there was a nice turnout for the event.

Several cards were signed and a collection was taken for the group’s Christmas charity that will go toward helping needy adults this holiday season. Those interested can still get their contribution in to Linda Holub or Becky Bryan, officials noted.

Retirees will meet for their December outing at Pastaio’s in Wintersville.

The group has set the time for 4:30 p.m. Dec. 12.

JVS to host state competition

BLOOMINGDALE — The Jefferson County Joint Vocational School will host the Region 5 Business Professionals of America competition Dec. 11, as students from 12 Ohio schools will converge upon the Bloomingdale campus for a series of events for the chance to advance to state competition in the spring.

BPA Adviser Cody Larue explained this is the first time in many years the site has held the event. He noted his excitement at the opportunity to hold the competition.

“Each school in the region takes turns hosting the event,” Larue said, adding the competition was to be held someplace else, but the venue was undergoing upgrades.

As a result, the JVS offered its facilities for use.

“We’ll have staff donate their time as judges,” Larue said, “and volunteers to help run the event.”

Activities will begin at 3 p.m.

Contestants will travel into classrooms, participating in events where they will share their presentations and and show off their skills in areas such as business and multimedia.

Contestants will be reviewed on their interviewing skills, speech and extemporaneous speaking.

Those competing in the multimedia categories will include graphic design, podcasting, web design and 3-D modeling.

“The students will be organized to showcase their projects to the judges,” Larue commented, noting the BPA has standardized rubrics which the judges follow.

“They are all given topics and prompts for their projects,” he noted.

Larue said roughly 25 JVS students are participating.

Winners will advance to state competition in March at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.


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