
Community news from around the area

SHS Class of ’59 to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville High School Class of ’59 held its monthly luncheon Nov. 13.

Norina Eroshevich gave the blessing and provided an update to the group. November birthdays were celebrated with a cake provided by Donna Tepovich Kraska. Members took a picture of those alumni present and voiced their thoughts as to sending the photo, along with a holiday greeting, to those not present.

The group expressed good luck to the high school football team.

The next meeting of the class will be held at 12:30 p.m. Dec. 11 at Froehlich’s Classic Corner.

To make a reservation, contact Eroshevich at (740) 219-2234.

Country Christmas Concert set

STEUBENVILLE — The Sycamore Youth Center will present its seventh-annual Old-Fashioned Country Christmas Concert at 6:30 p.m. Monday.

Residents will have the opportunity to step back in time with a festive evening which celebrates the season. The event will feature 18 of the area’s top young performers showcasing one Christmas song or dance, each “in a beautifully decorated, vintage-inspired setting,” according to Sycamore Executive Director Bobbyjon Bauman.

Highlights of the evening will include a visit and photo with St. Nicholas, free gifts for children during intermission and various foods and drinks during intermission.

“Bring your family and friends to this heartwarming celebration of the birth of our Lord,” Bauman said. “It’s a night of music, fellowship and holiday cheer that you won’t want to miss.”

Admission is free of charge.


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