
Buckeye students raise money for area children

HELPING OTHERS — Cheerleaders at Buckeye Local Junior High School helped to raise approximately $870 to assist four area children who have been impacted by cancer. Among those raising money for the cause were, from left, KahLeyah White, Sophia Mayle, Emelia DeVinney, Kayla Devore, Kenzi Takach, Karleigh Freeman, Raelyn Glover and Peyton Palmer. -- Contributed

CONNORVILLE — Cheerleaders at Buckeye Local Junior High School were among the students who displayed their kindness by reaching out to help area children who are battling cancer.

Cheering Coach Aivri Ruttencutter, along with squad members Sophia Mayle, Kenzi Takach, Karleigh Freeman, Kayla Devore, Peyton Palmer, KahLeyah White, Emelia DeVinney and Raelyn Glover, collected money for four local children between the ages of 2 and 14 affected by the disease. Ruttencutter explained her group sold “Fight Like a Kid” T-shirts and held two 50/50 drawings during football games. Junior high students also collected coins as part of a contest to raise money. These fundraisers amounted to a little more than $867, officials stated, adding that money will be divided evenly among the children sponsored.

Recipients include 12-year-old Landyn Strosnider, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in May 2023; 2-year-old EmmaLynn Slaga, who was diagnosed with peripheral T-cell lymphoma; a 2-year-old boy named Dutton, who suffers from stage four high-risk neuroblastoma; and 14-year-old Brooklyn, who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma but is currently cancer-free.

“We were excited to do something like this,” Ruttencutter stated. “I came up with the idea because I wanted the girls I coach to understand how much more goes on in the outside world. I started looking into different causes and decided on childhood cancer awareness. There’s so much that goes into being a well-rounded athlete and I am trying to teach my girls compassion for everyone around them.”

Ruttencutter said she and the cheerleaders hoped to do more in the future, saying they were grateful for the school’s support in the endeavor. Teacher Heather Lindsay opted to hold the Koinz for Kids competition, with sixth- through eighth-grade students entered into a contest to determine which grade could raise the highest amount of coins. The winners received a pizza party at the outdoor pavilion.

“I was over the moon when she reached out about helping,” Ruttenclutter said. “It is so relieving to see other staff willingly jump in and help for such a great cause. She was wonderful and it was so nice to have all of her help.”

Lindsay said students filled buckets with bills and coins throughout the campaign. A $100 goal was set, but nearly $200 was raised. All of the proceeds went to the cheerleaders’ benefit drive.

“I asked students to bring money to the junior high and do a contest against all of the grades on who could raise the most coins, and all of the money goes to those four local kids,” Ruttenclutter said. “The winning class received a pizza party and we gave Panther paw tattoos to them for donating.”

She noted she was equally thankful to the community for giving toward the fundraiser.

“I want to thank our community for being supportive through the process,” she concluded. “My cheer parents for stepping in when needed and the girls for putting so much thought and help into the games. I want to thank our administration for allowing me to hold this type of activity. Lastly, the four families of these amazing kiddos … after talking to them and getting to read all of their personal stories, you realize how much truly goes on around you. Life isn’t all about what’s on your phone or television. I encourage everyone to dig deeper into something you know so little about.”


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