
Valley’s Got Talent competition set for Sunday

The 11th-annual Valley’s Got Talent Christian-based youth showcase will make its return at 5 p.m. Sunday in the Steubenville High School auditorium. Celebrating the creativity and artistry of local youths, the event will be free to attend with no tickets required. The family-centered talent competition will award $1,500 in cash prizes to winners in categories that include vocalists, dancers, instrumentalists and choirs. The first act will feature performances by the Kingdom Kids Youth Choir from Mount Zion Baptist Church, Steubenville’s Connie Brookes singing “Breath of Heaven” and 13-year-old Evan Conn, a songwriter and instrumentalist. Acts will include Sycamore Youth Center folk dancers and vocal and instrumental soloists. Second act highlights will include the Jefferson County Christian School Worship Team, St. Patrick’s Irish Dancers, dance soloists Elijah Anderson and Dalana Bove and soloists Bella Thompson and J.R. Lawrence Lewis. Past winners performing include Ashley Marina, Faire May, Lynzee Ensell and Lexa Davis, Elisha Fletcher and Brent Kimball. For information, contact Ohio Valley Youth Network President Bobbyjon Bauman at (740) 409-2986 or by e-mail at bobbyjonbauman@gmailcom.

— Contributed


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