
New Cumberland Lions welcome Hagg

SHOP TALK — Sally Greathouse, president of the New Cumberland Lions Club, and Michael Hagg, director of the Hancock County Sheltered Workshop, briefed Lions members on matters during the group’s meeting Oct. 22. -- Contributed

NEW CUMBERLAND — The New Cumberland Lions Club met Oct. 22, with Rick Tinsky offering a prayer and President Sally Greathouse leading members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest speaker Michael Hagg was introduced to the 22 members in attendance.

Hagg serves as the director of the Hancock County Sheltered Workshop in Weirton. He explained about the workshop’s budget, noting the importance of the levy passage to help keep the workshop running.

Secretary Jeanne Cox read the minutes of the Oct. 8 meeting and Treasurer Alan Lee gave the treasurer’s report.

The New Cumberland Park Board announced the club can no longer store items at the community house.

Park board officials stated all items belonging to the club had to be removed following the club’s Halloween party. Members discussed the matter, noting the importance of storing their possessions in a public place.

A discussion was held as to whether to sell the group’s amplifier, which will be stored with the speakers at the library until a decision is made.

Pam Stiles announced project Operation Christmas Child will continue, with items to be collected at the next meeting, scheduled for Nov. 13.

Members were encouraged to take home one of the boxes on hand, fill it with the requested suggestions and return it to officials during the club’s next meeting.

Boxes can be dropped off at the Nazarene Church, located on Veterans Boulevard in New Cumberland, if members do not have their boxes ready by the meeting date. The boxes must be received at the church between Nov. 18-23.

Cindy Skerbetz thanked those who donated money, gifts and candy to the Halloween party, an event the club has sponsored for more than 40 years.

Officials stated a vaccination information table set up Oct. 19 was successful, with 15 flu shots given by member Jeff Davis at his pharmacy.

In other announcements, it was noted Brenda Nardo was the winner of the portable blood pressure clinic.

A diabetes information table is planned for January.

The annual walk-a-thon for the West Virginia Sight Foundation took place Saturday.

The New Cumberland Christmas parade will be held Dec. 14.

The Lions Club will be serving hot chocolate to the community following the parade.

The next dinner meeting will take place Nov. 12.


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