National Action Network receives award
The event was hosted by the Cleveland Chapter and its president, Marcia McCoy.
Students from the Ginn Academy in Cleveland, along with band members from Warrensville Heights School kicked off the convention at the Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church.
A town hall meeting was held at the Cory United Methodist Church following the kickoff.
Clergy honoree the Rev. Bishop E.T. Caviness and Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb were recognized.
Several awards were distributed by McCoy, who serves as Midwest assistant director.
The Chapter of the Year Award was presented to Steubenville Chapter President Carol Ann Simmons, Vice President Beverly Kelley and chapter members.
Also on hand to congratulate the chapter was U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.
Steubenville’s chapter has been located in the area for more than 12 years, officials said.
The group serves as a civil rights organization to protect the rights of everyone under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Simmons explained.
The National Action Network was formed in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. and his “No Justice, No Peace,” she added.
Simmons has said of King, “I consider him to have been one of the most profound civil rights leaders there ever was. His civil rights movement promoted non-violence, justice for all mankind, liberty, inclusion and freedom from racism and oppression.”
“I believe we were chosen because of our chapter’s hard work, our dedication to the organization, our dedication to our members and beyond,” she concluded.
The National Action Network advocates civil rights for all, Simmons explained.
Those interested in learning more or becomig a part of the chapter can contact Simmons for information at call (740) 264-2361.