
Farm bureau trustees discuss events

RICHMOND — The Jefferson County Farm Bureau board of trustees met Nov. 7 at the Crossroads Church Ministry Center in Richmond for their monthly meeting.

There were 10 members present. Trevor Kirkpatrick, organization director, was in attendance.

A report was given regarding the Corporate Transparency Act meeting held Oct. 29. President John Grafton reported. Robert Moore, an attorney specializing in agricultural law, spoke to those gathered regarding the approaching deadline for all corporations, LLCs and partnerships to file necessary information, explaining what documentation was needed.

Trustee Jeanne Roberts reported on the Straight from the Heart women’s wellness event, which took place in Sugarcreek in October. She noted 77 women from four counties took part in the day-long event.

The Strategic Planning Committee met to discuss short-term, mid-term and long-term goals for the county organization, as the board moves into the upcoming year.

Connie Crawford, Belinda Boyce and Jeanne Roberts will presented an Ag in the Classroom program to preschoolers in the Toronto City School District Nov. 8. The book “How Did that Get in My Lunchbox?” was read to pupils and a variety of foods was sampled.

There are many upcoming events available to Farm Bureau Members, officials noted.

The Ag. Producers Resource Expo will be held Jan. 22. The expo will be a trade show type of event, highlighting the resources available to local producers from area businesses and entities. There will be presentations as well, including, “How to Read a Soil Sample,” “Marketing your Farm Products,” “Is a Farm Market Right for your Products?” “Creating a Farm Business Plan” and “Planning for a Dry Year.” The meeting is free to attend. Information is available at the farm bureau office.

The farm bureau will be presenting an informational day for county township trustees and other elected officials on Feb. 22. The event will cover a wide range of topics, officials noted.

This will be third year for the well-attended event. Previous topics have included management of noxious weeds, revitalizing neighborhoods, accessing grant funds for township projects and emergencies.

New topics will be presented at this year’s informational day in which a light breakfast will be served prior to the discussions.

County agricultural agencies will sponsor the Jefferson County Brunch on the Farm event in July. Those interested in participating will visit a local farm where various stations will be set up to demonstrate modern agricultural practices.

Planning the event involves staff from the Ohio State University Extension office, NRCS, the Soil and Water Conservation and the JCFB.

Information will be available as the date draws closer. Trustees meet each month. All members are invited to attend.

For information, including how to join and its programming, contact the office at (330) 339-7211 Monday through Thursday, or by e-mail at jefferson@ofbf.org.


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