
Community news from around the area

Pets can get photos with Santa

WINTERSVILLE — The Jefferson County Humane Society will hold its annual Pet Photos with Santa fundraiser between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the animal shelter, located at 200 Airpark Drive in Wintersville. Years of experience in pet photography, along with its compassion for animals, affords officials the opportunity to capture a “pawsitively purrfect” photo of area residents’ pets.

Santa will be in attendance to have his photo taken with the animals. The process will not require visitors to wait in a line long, officials noted. Two packages will be available for purchase, including Package A, a 5-by-7 inch print for $12; or Package B, a 5-by-7 inch print and digital images taken at the session for $22.

Cross Creek Township to meet

WINTERSVILLE — Cross Creek Township officials will meet at 4 p.m. Monday at the township office, located at 1267 Cadiz Road in Wintersville.

The special meeting will be to hear opening bids for Project 166, the OPWC slip repair project on Township Road 166; to pass a resolution for use of American rescue funds and to sign a utility package permit for the open/cut culvert permit, officials stated.


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