
Church sermon topics

• Bell Chapel United Methodist Church, Steubenville: “Unbalanced and Odd,” will be the 10 a.m. sermon given by the Rev. Seth Filburn.

• Cadiz Presbyterian Church: The church will hold its hanging of the greens service.

• Cove Presbyterian Church, Weirton: “Changing Relationships,” will be the 11 a.m. sermon given by Elder Bobby Jones.

• Finley Church, Steubenville: The 10:45 a.m. sermon will be centered on Christ the King Sunday. “Crowned in Glory — Forever!” will be given by the Rev. Greg Kasler. A Thanksgiving service will take place at 6 p.m.

• Harmony Church of Mingo Junction: “A Christian American Tradition.”

• Rush Run Community Chapel, Rayland: “Happy Thanksgiving!”

• St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Steubenville: “Christ the King.”

• Starkdale Presbyterian Church, Wintersville: “The Woman in Adultery,” will be the sermon given by the Rev. G. Carl Moore.

• Two Ridges Presbyterian Church, Wintersville: “The Giver of Blessings.”

• Weirton First Christian Church: “What is Truth?”

• Weirton Heights Memorial Baptist Church: “Lord, Fill Me!”

• Wintersville Methodist Church: Thanksgiving service: “Remembering God’s Blessings — Celebrating Being A Blessing.”

• Zion United Church of Christ, Steubenville: “Encounter with the King,” will be the sermon given by the Rev. Walter Coy.


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