
St. Agnes Woman’s Club talks Seminarians’ Day

MINGO JUNCTION — The St. Agnes Catholic Woman’s Club began its October meeting with President Theresa Madden leading the pledge and prayer. Lunch was served by Michelle Trikones, with Debbie Riccardo providing the dessert. The business meeting began with the roll call of officers, all of whom were present with the exception of Joanne Raha. There were 24 members in attendance.

Kathy Flippo acknowledged members with an October birthday, including Lorraine Golec, Lisa Russell, Gerri Zadanski, Maggie Iacovone, Charlotte Hauber, Rita Costantini, Tickey Dickey and Rita Carubia.

Kathy Coldebella reported cards were sent to those in need. Paula Diorio read a letter from Sam Ivkovich, a seminarian whom the club sponsors.

The Rev. James Dunfee was thanked for the new church oven and words of appreciation were said for those who worked funeral luncheons. Officers announced a pasta dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, will take place Nov. 10. Madden reported on Semiarian’s Day, held Oct. 2. Three mothers of seminarians were present for the meeting, each expressing their gratitude for the church’s support. The Rev. Nicholas Ginnetti, vocations director, complimented the present seminarians, citing the church has 10. “Which is amazing for the size of our diocese,” he said.

Diana Vargo reported ways the club supports them, such as giving to individual seminarians, giving to the bishop’s charity, donating to the seminaians’ fund and giving a gift when they are ordained.

Madden reported on the pumpkin roll sale, informing members of how many were baked and the amount of money collected to date. She encouraged those who placed an order to pick them up.

Carrie Petrozzi and Debbie Riccardo of the service commission, presented opportunities for performing service. They stated the club can help at Martha’s Manor, a homeless shelter for women, or assist at Bay Six in Mingo.

Trikones was the winner of the door prize.

Coldebella was the winner of the 50/50 drawing.

The next meeting will be held Nov. 19.


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