
DAR discusses Wreaths Across America

DAR MEETS — The Fort Steuben Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met Oct. 12 for its monthly meeting at Giovanni’s Restaurant in Weirton. Among those taking part were, from left, Mary Ann Jesse, regent; Robin Bland, chapter member and guest speaker; and Jeanne Vega, first vice regent. -- Contributed

WEIRTON — The Fort Steuben Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met at Giovanni’s Restaurant in Weirton on Oct. 12 with Regent Mary Ann Jesse calling the meeting to order.

The invocation and blessing were said by Chaplain Roberta Fedoush; leading the Pledge of Allegiance was First Vice Regent Jeanne Vega; the American’s Creed was led by Second Vice Regent Sue Davidson; and Tammy Kotyk led members in singing the national anthem.

Kotyk, serving as acting registrar, introduced prospective member Cheryl Hendricks and informed the group nine prospective members are in various stages of the application process. Prior to lunch and the monthly program, Jesse read the president general’s message. Vega introduced member Robin Bland, who spoke with the women about her experiences at the 133rd continental congress.

Secretary Vickie Joseph read the minutes and Treasurer Patti D’Aurora gave the treasurer’s report, which were approved. D’Aurora reminded members dues need to be paid before Dec. 1. Otherwise, the NSDAR considers members to have resigned.

Under committee reports, Francine Hauldren, America 250 chairman, reported the historical fun facts project has been approved by area schools. To date, the project has been well-received, she noted. October’s topic was, “Diversity includes the Moth Man,” in which Hauldren read the program for the chapter. She discussed the America 250 cemetery project in which members place markers at the graves of under-represented patriots, including Arnold Dorhman in Union Cemetery. The chapter receives the markers at no cost, and a recognition ceremony is given during the placing of the marker.

National defense chairman Karen Blanc reminded members the Wreaths Across America program will take place Dec. 14. To avoid a conflict, the group will hold its December meeting Dec 7.

Janet Rymer chairman on women’s issues, noted several dates of importance in October, including October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, women’s mental health month and recognizing domestic violence.

Nicole Balakos said she is considering taking the position of Veterans’ Affairs chairman. Jesse reminded members to take advantage of NSDAR education courses online or in person.

Under new business, members were asked to volunteer for the nominating committee, of which Kotyk, Vega, Fedoush and Vickie Joseph will serve. Officials announced the state conference will be held March 20-23. Credentials are due Feb. 10. There will not be a meeting in January, therefore, delegates will need to be selected during the Dec. 7 meeting in order for their credentials to be in on time.

Registration for the 134th continental congress will begin April 15.

D’Aurora made a motion the chapter purchase eight wreaths for Wreaths Across America, with four to be placed at Union Cemetery, two at the Paris Cemetery and two at the Florence Cemetery. The motion passed.

Under the sunshine report, Valles thanked chapter members for attending the DAR memorial service for her sister, Joann Morrison.

Days in which to fly the flag were announced, including Election Day, Nov. 5, and Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.

The chapter will meet at noon on Nov. 9 at Giovanni’s Restaurant.


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