
Campus news

John Carroll University

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS — Maria Meyer of Bloomingdale was named to the Dean’s List at John Carroll University for the spring, 2024 semester.

Students eligible for the Dean’s List must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours within one semester.

They also must have a quality grade-point average of at least a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

Baldwin Wallace University

BEREA — Three local graduates were welcomed as first-year students to Baldwin Wallace University.

Each was awarded a scholarship based on their “outstanding high school achievements.”

This fall, the campus recognized Aidan Shaw of Carrollton, who is a graduate of Carrollton High School and majoring in criminal justice.

Shaw earned a $15,000 Fellows’ Scholarship.

Joey Simpson of Steubenville was recognized as being a graduate of Edison High School and majoring in sport management.

Simpson earned a $15,000 Fellows’ Scholarship.

Dez Ware of Steubenville was recognized as being a graduate of Steubenville High School and majoring in theater design and technical studies.

Ware earned a $21,000 President’s Scholarship.

Baldwin Wallace’s merit scholarships are awarded to full-time students and are renewable for up to four years with good academic and social standing.


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