
Jefferson County Relay for Life to be in area parade

RELAY PLANNERS — Looking over plans to participate in Toronto’s Christmas parade beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 7 are leaders of the Jefferson County Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society, including, from left, Emily Russell and Tom Simmons, relay co-chairs, and Tracy Barnhouse, ACS community development manager. -- Janice Kiaski

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society has finalized plans for its participation in Toronto’s Christmas parade.

Sponsored by Focus in Toronto, the parade begins at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 7 to the theme “Be A Part of the Magic.”

The discussion on being involved came as relay event leadership team representatives and team captains gathered for the final relay planning meeting for 2019, which was held Nov. 12 at Eastern Gateway Community College.

Relay Co-Chairs Emily Russell and Tom Simmons presided at the meeting along with Tracy Barnhouse, ACS community development manager.

The meeting also was occasion for introductions, the announcement of fundraisers happening and future plans for a Touch A Truck food truck vendor event on the calendar for June 13 at the Fort Steuben Mall.

The Jefferson County Relay for Life will be held again in Toronto in 2020 after having been held there in 2019 for the first time.

“Make All Holidays Cancer Free” will be the theme for the event at the Toronto Jr.-Sr. High School Clarke Hinkle Stadium in a reduced time format. The relay will be held from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on June 19.

The 2019 relay goal of $82,500 was exceeded by more than $12,000 with $94,727.05 raised.

Planning for the 2020 relay continues, and anyone interested in participating by organizing a team or group is welcome to contact Barnhouse by phone at (740) 509-0196 or by e-mail to tracy.barnhouse@cancer.org.

For ACS information, visit cancer.org. The cancer helpline number is (800) 227-2345.

Barnhouse expressed excitement about the 2020 relay.

“Last year we had an amazing year of growth, and I really want to continue and grow on that again this year,” Barnhouse said. “We almost doubled our teams from last year that were registered,” she said.

Barnhouse explained that she and the event co-chairs had been out in the community recently promoting the relay. One effort involves generating sponsorships to have a couple of billboards around relay time. Prospective sponsors can contact Barnhouse at (740) 509-0196.

Though meetings for 2019 have wrapped up, there will be a holiday get-together, it was announced at the meeting. The potluck will be held Dec. 10 at Wintersville United Methodist Church, beginning at 6 p.m.

Seeing the relay be successful is important to Simmons, who explained why is motivated and interested in being involved.

“My sister beat cancer three times and then we lost her two years ago to liver cancer,” he said. “She always thought that maybe one day there would be a day without cancer, so I am doing this in her honor, and I said I will continue to do this, because we talked about it before she passed, until I could no longer walk,” Simmons said.

His sister, Virginia “Gigi” Simmons” was 47 when she died in August 2017. He said his sister wanted a relay team. “We started it, and I’m keeping it going.”

Simmons noted his mother, Florence Simmons, is a 19-year breast cancer survivor.

Russell said anyone is welcome to attend planning meetings. “If anyone wants to join us, our next meeting is Jan. 14 at 6 p.m. at Eastern Gateway Community College in room 2100,” Russell said.


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