
Funseekers schedule Dec. 4 meeting

STEUBENVILLE — The Funseekers Nov. 6 meeting held at Scaffidi’s Restaurant included dinner served for 70 attending. Entertainment consisted of game night.

JoAnne Burgin gave the opening prayer. During the business meeting, reports of the treasurer and secretary were read and approved. An executive board meeting was held Nov. 5 at Eat ‘n Park. The membership voted on using name tags at the next meeting due to new officers and new membership.

Guests of Joanne Llewellyn introduced were Rosemary Straface, Mark Lewis and Lee Lewis. New members introduced were Linda Lancia, Okey and Sandra Nestor, Bill and Elizabeth Shipe, Paula Kremsauage and Ray Philis

Winners of the 50-50 drawing were Barbara Losey and Tony LaRosa. Door prize winners were Dave Krause, Marilyn DiLeonardo, Mark Lewis, Mary Rose Spano, Sandy Leone, Chris Sklenar, Patty Basil and Frank Wisnieski. Bingo winners were Cecilia Fritz, Michele Fabbro, Mary Alice Meyer and George Zryini.

An upcoming trip is will be Dec. 1-2 to the Greenbrier. Trips are open to anyone. For information, call David Krause at (740) 264-5817 or Regina Truax at (304) 723-0419.

The next meeting will be held Dec. 4 at Undo’s.


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