
Community happenings from throughout the area

Unionport United Methodist

having Wednesday service

UNIONPORT — Thanksgiving Eve church services will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at the Unionport United Methodist Church.

Pastor Chuck Mehl will deliver the message, and all are welcome to attend.

Christmas dinner, dance at

Weirton Senior Citizens Center

WEIRTON — The Greater Weirton Senior Citizens Center will hold its annual Christmas dinner and dance on Dec. 19.

Doors open at 5 p.m. Dinner is served at 5:45 p.m., and the dance runs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Music is being provided by Lite Touch. Tickets are available at the senior center at a cost of $12 and must be purchased by Dec. 10. The event is open to the public.

Toronto Senior Citizens

have Thanksgiving dinner

TORONTO — Doris Matyas presided at the Toronto Senior Citizens meeting for the Thanksgiving dinner where Jim and Jan Ramsey and Iris Craig were welcomed as guests.

Mary Alice Meyer gave the blessing and led in opening exercises. Fran Sheets, Rosemary Bonofine and Joyce Dobbs gave reports.

Peg Miller won the 50/50 drawing. Door prize winner were Sharon Sims, Chuck Barker, Emma Spicer, Lisa Rex, Crissy Cunningham, Barb Lyons, Mary Scott, and Pat Simpson. Bingo winners were Peg Ziarko, Bob Zanhiser and Terry Mamula.

The next meeting will be held Dec. 12 at the Stratton Municipal Building.

Quarters for CASA to be

held Dec. 8 in Weirton

WEIRTON — Quarters for CASA, a quarter auction to benefit A Child’s Place CASA, will be held Dec. 8 at the Masonic Lodge Annex, Knights Road, Weirton, beginning at 2 p.m.

Doors open at 1 p.m. Tickets are $5 with additional paddles available for $1. Attendees who bring a toy for a CASA child get a free paddle.

Refreshments will be served.

For tickets or information, contact CASA or any CASA board member at (304) 737-4444.

CASA is an acronym for Court Appointed Special Advocates.

Harrison Coal calendars

for 2020 are available

CADIZ — The 2020 Harrison Coal and Reclamation Historical Park calendars are ready for purchase.

They can be purchased locally at the Puskarich Public Library, Market Street, Cadiz, and at the Harrison County Visitor Center, located at143 S. Main St., Cadiz. The 2020 calendars feature the Marion-made No. 5561 “C” 40-cubic yard shovel, “The Wasp.” It began operations in 1949. The photos show the erection of the shovel and its working. It was scrapped in 1987.

The calendar is sponsored by the Harrison County Visitor Center, Leonard and Dolly Ferrara, Sue Adams, Kelly Michelli and Marilyn Monzula. Calendars are $10, and, if ordered to be mailed out, add $3 for postage and handling for each additional calendar. Send orders to Dale Davis, 800 N. 13th St., Cambridge, OH 43725, or call Davis at (740) 391-4135. There are a series of these dating from 2011 and make excellent presents and collector’s items. Checks or money orders should be made out to HCRHP.

There are a series of available calendars dating from 2011.

Hancock Humane Foundation

having spay, neuter clinic

NEW CUMBERLAND — The Hancock County Humane Foundation is taking reservations for a low-cost cat spay and neuter clinic to be held Dec. 14.

The cost for female or male cats is $55 and includes rabies shot and flea and ear mite treatments. Call (304) 224-2590 to book clinic space.

51st-annual craft show

set for Saturday in Jewett

JEWETT — The 51st-annual Jewett craft show will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday at the Jewett Fire Station and Jewett Wildcat Community Center.

There will be more than 80 tables and various food stands. Admission is $2, good for both buildings. Parking is free.

UMWA Local meets Dec. 7

HOPEDALE — The United Mine Workers of America Local No. 1304 will hold a regular meeting on Dec. 7 at Capraro’s Restaurant in Hopedale, beginning at 10 a.m.


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