
Police reports

Weirton Police

Timothy Jon Ott Jr., 43, 410 Mahan Lane, Follansbee, DUI, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, Jan. 18, arrested following the investigation of a motor vehicle crash.

Ryan Jean Labarre, 20, no fixed address, obstructing, trespassing, Jan. 19, arrested following report of a male refusing to leave Shop N Save at the close of business.

Tammy Bailey-Yeater, no age listed, 139 Elmer Ave., Weirton, possession of methamphetamine, Jan. 20, arrested on a capias following an investigation of stolen property, with a search discovering methamphetamine.

Victoria Bettino, no age listed, 249 Miami Ave., Weirton, domestic violence/battery, Jan. 22, arrested following a domestic disturbance call.

Connie Lynn Fletcher, 46, 2702 Pleasant Ave., Wellsburg, two city warrants, scavenging, possession of a drug abuse instrument, Jan. 23, arrested on warrants and other charges after being caught in a Dumpster at Weir High.

Perry Martin Smith Jr., no age listed, 563 Joffre Cherry Valley Road, Burgettstown, DUI, fleeing, Jan. 25, arrested after failing to stop for a traffic stop violation.

Cedric Treneir Johnson, 31, 242 Ritchie Ave., Weirton, domestic violence/battery, Jan. 26, arrested following a domestic disturbance.

Amber Kukich, 40, 573 Rabit Hill Road, Wellsburg, trespassing, possession of a controlled substance, Jan. 28, arrested upon investigation of a disturbance complaint at 217 Avenue E, Weirton.

Harold Russell Bittinger Jr., 36, 101 Era St., Weirton, driving revoked for DUI, improper registration, no insurance, Monday, arrested during a traffic stop investigation on County Road at City Street.

Brooke County Sheriff

Charged: Andrew A. Isinghood, 30, 2 Carolina Ave., Beech Bottom, child neglect creating risk of injury, Sunday, for allegedly driving recklessly while a child was in his vehicle.

Charged: Bryan K. Nicosia, 41, 2005 Charles St., Wellsburg, fugitive from justice and obstructing an officer, Monday.

Charged: Dustin A. Hill, 23 1672 McCord Hill Road, Wellsburg, petit larceny and fleeing on foot, Monday.

Steubenville Police

Losing patience: Police responded to a Greenwich Drive location for a 9-1-1 hangup call, Tuesday. Residents advised their “infant child was playing with the phone and accidentally hit the emergency button.” Police pointed out it was “the third time in the past two weeks that they’ve responded for the same issue and it needs to be addressed.”

Influencers: Employees at Wal-Mart said they spotted a woman eating lunchmeat packaged from the deli and advised it is “a typical act that usually precedes theft by offenders, Monday. They claim they watched the woman go to the self-checkout and put three reduced price tags on the conveyor belt that she “blatantly” used to scan the items in her cart, known as “ticket switching.” Police said Loren L. Cutri, 36, 966 McKinley Ave., Steubenville, was cited for petit theft. Cutri allegedly told police she “watched ” people ticket-switch on YouTube “and they were never caught” and offered to purchase the items.

Weighed down: Employees at Kroger provided police with video of three people who walked out of the store without paying for $300 in beer and various meats, Monday. Video also was given to police of a man “who has been shoplifting diapers.” To date he’s stolen $180 in diapers, they said.

Request: A Market Street resident told police she wanted a male to stay away from her, Monday. The male had left but returned while police were there, so they advised him to stay away.

Booked: Jonathan Pullie, 49, 707 Market St., Apt. 308, Steubenville, failure to appear (Municipal Court), Monday.

Cited: Rachel L. Nimtz, 22, Holt, Mich., speeding.


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