
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Fake bills: Employees at Family Dollar reported a woman tried to pay for merchandise with counterfeit $100 bills, Sunday. The manager said the woman had two fake bills plus one legitimate $100 bill, and after both fake bills were marked she paid for her items with the real currency, though the manager thinks the woman was hoping to use the funny money to pay for her items in hopes of getting valid currency back as change.

Big boom: An Arlington Avenue resident reported hearing a loud explosion, Sunday. He said he was in his living room when he heard it and believed it came from the nearby campus. He said it’s the second night in a row he’s heard the noise. Police said several students they encountered said they didn’t hear or see anything unusual.

Charged: Police doing a welfare check on some juveniles at a residence on South Fifth Street spotted a male who’d been banned from the property, Sunday. They said the juveniles appeared to be fine, despite a bong and what appeared to be marijuana on the table. Their mother told police it was THC, and they advised her to keep it out of reach of her children. The male left once police arrived but when they located him a few minutes later he admitted he’d been there. James Pruitt, 34, Steubenvillle, was charged with criminal trespass.

Booked: Jason M. Sandy, 43, no fixed address, Weirton, bench warrant for failure to appear, Sunday. Sandy also was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and driving under suspension.

Booked: Ashlei Crowe, 32, 817 Market St., Apt. H, bench warrant, Monday. Crowe was served with the warrant after police reported pulling the car she was riding in over for an “extremely loud” exhaust and spotted her in the backseat.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Ripped off: A Steubenville area woman told deputies someone stole methadone she was storing in her safe, Jan. 30. She said she keeps the safe locked but her husband opened it to sell a gun to some unknown individuals on Facebook.

Escalating: A Richmond man said his girlfriend’s mother had his child’s Social Security card and birth certificate and wouldn’t give it back, Jan. 30. Deputies were unable to speak with the woman, but the man called back later to report she had progressed to leaving him “non-violent threats.”

Off-roading: A Bloomingdale woman complained about people driving through her yard, Jan. 30. She told deputies she has video of the offenders and said it’s happening between 4 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

Helping hands: A caller reported seeing two men in an older black Dodge Ram with no license plate stealing scrap from behind a business, Jan. 30. The caller said it took two men to lift it into the bed of the truck, then they left.

Boomerang: A driver on County Road 43 reported a loud bang and “saw something fly into the air,” Jan. 25. Deputies said the owner of a trucking company said his employees were working on a salt brine truck and had started to weld when “the truck exploded, throwing it into the air.” He said no one was injured.

Drugs: A caller reported a woman had overdosed in Dillonvale and a friend had administered Narcan, Jan. 30. The friend had an outstanding warrant and left before deputies arrived, they said. The female refused treatment.

Vivid imagination: A caller claimed three people were “murdered at a (home) on County Road 10,” Jan. 30. Deputies said there were no bodies in the property and the phone of the man who called traced to South Carolina. The house in question had burned previously and was uninhabitable, though deputies said it did appear someone had been there recently.

Shifty: A man said his son called him to report a woman was hovering around a blue Mustang parked by his garage, Jan. 31. The caller said the woman claimed the vehicle belonged to her boyfriend and she was trying to get things out of it but the caller thought it sounded fishy. Deputies couldn’t locate her.

Concerning: Wells Township police requested assistance regarding a man reportedly armed with a gun who a witness said “alluded that he would confront law enforcement (with),” Jan. 31. He left the location shortly after the caller notified police of the problem. Deputies said they helped search for the man but he was not located.

Booked: Ohio State Highway Patrol officers spotted a man sleeping in his truck off County Road 56 by the railroad tracks next to the river, Feb. 1. Deputies said the occupant, Daniel Bocek, 32, Weirton, was booked on a probation violation (Common Pleas Court), Feb. 1.

Wet blanket: A Dillonvale man said he found two teenaged girls inside his house when he got out of the shower but they left before he could get their names, Feb. 1. He said he’d heard a knock at his back door and when he looked out the window he saw the two girls and figured they were there to see his stepson but he wasn’t home. He said after he finished his shower he found them at the bottom of his staircase.

Screaming: A Tiltonsville woman said a man was outside her apartment screaming for a female by the name of Amanda, Feb. 1. She said she didn’t know who the man was or anyone named Amanda, nor did she know if he was intoxicated but she was frightened. Deputies searched the area and were unable to locate the man.

Prowler: A woman was concerned about a prowler near her elderly mother’s residence, Feb. 2. She said her mother has been telling her and her sister she feels like someone is creeping through her windows and possibly even sneaking into her house at night. She said they figured it was her imagination but when they visited that day they found a pair of sneakers by her car. A deputy spoke with a man in an abandoned house who said he’d put the shoes there because her late father wouldn’t have minded.

Ding-dong-ditched: A Richmond woman said she was traveling on State Route 152 and saw what she thought was a female laying in a ditch and two teen boys standing over her, Feb. 1. She said she noticed two more teens walking with hoods pulled up. OHSP checked the area and determined “it was teenagers who lost a cell phone and there is an adult on scene with them.” He said the female “tripped and fell in the ditch and her friends were making fun of her while helping her up.”

Damaged: A driver apparently backed into a Toronto area resident’s cow pasture fence, Feb. 2. Deputies said the fence post was broken at ground level.

Senseless: A county resident reported he was being harassed on social media, Feb. 2. He said he got a random message that did not make any sense, but when he let the guy know he might have messaged the wrong person the man kept responding, still not making sense, “and stating to stop lying about him or he will show up to his residence.” He said the man continues to message him over and over, still not making sense. He said he blocked the man but then heard he’d made a post about him.


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