
Police reports

Mingo Junction Police

Stop sign: Jesse Louis Bolek, 22, 169 Aberdeen Road, stop sign violation, Jan. 10. Bolek’s vehicle allegedly failed to stop at both the Carlisle Avenue and Valley Road intersection and the Crescent Avenue and Battle Run Road intersections.

License plate: Jessica Taylor Bucy, 30, 1109 Hillary Square, license plate illumination, expired registration, Sunday. Police initiated a traffic stop after allegedly observing Bucy’s vehicle to have no license plate illumination.

Right-of-way: Brian Joseph Cutshall, 56, 106 Logan Ave., failure to yield at a right-of-way, Tuesday. Cuttshall allegedly failed to yield at a sign on Logan Avenue near Commercial Street, resulting in a damage-only collision.

Wintersville Police

Cited for speeding: Elise Lindle, 19, Cleves, Ohio; Brenden Simms, 18, 8406 Carroll St., Amsterdam; Kathy J. Younciak, 63, 108 Hillview Drive, Follansbee; Cory Hammonds, 38, 122 Scenic Heights, Bloomingdale; Tyler Kerr, 29, Gibsonia, Pa.; Gregory C. Wade, 25, 1238 Wellesley Ave., Steubenville; Taryn Veal, 30, 401 Steel Blvd., Weirton; Desilee Barto, 29, 2821 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville; Sean McKitrick, 37, 119 Gumps Lane; Tammy L. Parks, 53, 312 state Route 151, Mingo Junction; Herbert J. Morello, 58, Canton; Stephan C. Rowan, 78, Lot 1, 564 Cadiz Road; Paul W. Croskey, 47, Apartment 3, 74 Evergreen Terrace, Steubenville; Jeffery Walker, 68, 534 Ross St., Steubenville; Rebecca M. Malinowski, 36, 10 Nevada Drive, Steubenville; Karen Weaver, 58, Lot 5, 400 Third St., Stratton; Jacob H. Given, 29, Buckhannon, W.Va.; Matthew Barker, 35, 706 Douglas Ave., Steubenville; Junior Ibuye, 21, Wheeling; and Lawrence Miller Jr., 24, Apartment A, 4429 Lovers Lane, Steubenville.

Cited: Shannon Silver, 43, Lot 4, 564 Cadiz Road, no operator’s license and defective equipment; James R. Perry, 36, 162 Locust Blvd., driving while suspended and speeding; Trillyun Jones, 22, 467 South Seventh St., driving under the influence and failure to control; Jessica N. Guasco, 35, 2945 township Road 249, Toronto, expired registration; and Hayden M. Martin, 27, Apartment 14, 6 Morningside Drive, driving while suspended.


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