
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Batting 500: A woman said a male armed with a baseball bat broke her car window, Wednesday. She told a woman in the 900 block of N. 8th Street needed a ride so when she got to herself she knocked on her door and got back in her car. She said the woman exited the residence through a side door with a male “who was carrying a bat and was mumbling something (she) could not understand” before he hit her window twice, leaving two holes in it, while the woman left the area on foot with a dog. Police report cameras captured footage of the driver going to the side door and entering the residence, spending about 10 minutes inside before the two women exited the building, followed by the man holding the bat.

Cheeky: A car dealership employee reported a woman paid her down payment with a bad check, Wednesday. They said the woman wrote the $1,000 check in April 2024.

Bumpy ride: A motorist said he damaged his tire when he hit a pothole on Hollywood Boulevard at Wilshire, Wednesday. Police said his rim was bent and cracked and the tire flat.

Unhappy: A caller reported a disturbance in the 300 block of Terrace Avenue, Wednesday. The male involved said his female companion had been very upset, and she told t hem she “became angry after an argument” but nothing physical took place.

Fired up: A man in the 1200 block of Pennsylvania Avenue said he and his wife “got into a heated argument” but nothing physical happened, Wednesday. He said she left before police arrived and had wanted him out of the house but refused. Police told him he can’t be removed because he lives there, then called his wife and told her the same thing. The two separated for the night.

Booked: Randy G. Bake, 50, 412 Ross St., Steubenville, bench warrant, Thursday.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Booked: Frank C. Francis, 41, 1271 State Route 150, Adena, probation violation (Toronto County Court), Tuesday; Treshaun G. Moore, 31, 601 Two Ridge Rd., F3, Wintersville, Brooke County warrant, criminal damaging, Tuesday.


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