
Police reports

Steubenville Police

50-50: Police had to investigate a 911 hangup from a downtown location, Tuesday. A male said he’d been trying to leave the property but the mother of his children “would not let him.” He said when clothes he had in the dryer were done he would be leaving, and the female said she didn’t need police assistance. Minutes later, police had to return and found the female on the porch insisting she “wanted him out of here, he put his hands on me” and claimed he threw her on the floor and leaving her with an abrasion on her knee and claimed he put his fingers on her check and “was so close … spit was flying out of his mouth and landing on her” when he yelled at her. She said she pushed him away but he continued to yell and invade her personal space and they “started fighting.” The male had a cut on his left cheek and an abrasion “possibly from a finger nail” on his cheek and neck that he claimed happened when she “choked him with a cord to a space heater.” The female admitted choking him with the cord but said “she did it because he was on top of her,” police said. Neither party was charged because police were unable to determine who the primary aggressor was.

Seeing things: A caller reported a dispute at a residence in the 100 block of North Fourth Street, Tuesday A male said a woman had threatened him with a knife, but she said she was holding the knife “because she was about to cut up some meat” and denied threatening him.

Reacting badly: Callers were concerned about a woman screaming in her Labelle residence, Tuesday. Police made contact with the resident, who advised she “was having a bad day” and convinced them she was not a threat to herself or anyone else.

Threats: A woman threatened to come to blows with her daughter, Tuesday. Police said they couldn’t get them to stop yelling and eventually the mother wanted her daughter removed from the house. When police told her the daughter would have to be formally evicted, “they began yelling again.” Police asked the younger woman to go another room but the mother “just continued to yell” and when the officer tried to ask her about her report, said she “advised him to leave since he would not remove (the daughter). He said as he left, the mother “made statements of fighting her daughter in the parking lot” and advised against that.

Booked: A man who left an Oxford Boulevard property with blood covering his face said he’d been in an altercation with a friend, Tuesday. He told police he’d been playing video games with the friend who he alleged “began to drink and grow increasingly argumentative” and claims the friend turned his anger to the homeowner. The bloodied man said when he tried to keep it from escalating, his friend assaulted him and admitted throwing a punch himself in self-defense. The friend, who police said “appeared to be under the influence of an intoxicant,” said the bloodied man “accused him of stealing money and then jumped him,” but the homeowner confirmed the bloodied man’s story and said the problems started when the friend “asked him for money for more beer.” He told police when he opened his wallet, the friend grabbed it from his hand, took the money and then threw his wallet” and started acting out. He said he wanted his money returned and his friend to cover damages to his property. Both men wanted to pursue charges. Christopher Gilmore, no fixed address, was charged with criminal mischief, assault and misdemeanor possession of drugs, police said.

Jealous: Two men ended up losing their jobs after they got in a fight over a woman in their employer’s parking lot, Tuesday. The woman was the girlfriend of one of the men, who advised she “did something that he presumed to be her attempting to connect with” the other man. He said words were exchanged between the three of them so he “initiated a physical altercation with the other male employee.” The fight was broken up, the suspicious boyfriend apologized and their boss terminated both of them.

Pattern of behavior: A man who “always wears a tan hooded sweatshirt” when he shoplifts at the downtown Speedway struck again, Tuesday. Employees said he “took a jacket full of snacks” with him when he left and always wears the tan-colored hoodie.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Irreconcilable differences: A dispatcher heard yelling before a caller terminated a 911 call, and when no one would pickup when they returned the call deputies were sent to the location, Tuesday. Deputies determined a couple had been arguing because the husband had taken the door plunger off a screen door and his wife was “trying to keep the cat in.” They said after speaking with the pair it appeared “divorce was inevitable” but there had been nothing physical. The couple had been married more than 20 years.


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