Police reports
West Virginia State Police
Charged: Samuel M. Lewis, 23, address unknown, failure to register as a sex offender, Saturday.
Brooke County Sheriff
Charged: Trent E. Travis, 27, 137 Hudson Ave., Weirton, grand larceny, Sunday.
Charged: Christopher D. Mitchell, 38, 100 Chapman Drive, Wellsburg, driving under the influence, Friday.
Charged: Chanceler M. Taylor, 55, 1108 Duvall Heights, Wellsburg, driving under the influence, Friday.
Charged: Amber L. Ellenwood, no age given, Middlebourne, W.Va., assault, Saturday.
Weirton Police
Charged: George M. Thomas, 32, 4332 Elm St., obstructing an officer, Friday.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Cat fight: A caller reported hearing “banging and a lot of screaming and crying from a Wintersville location, Sunday. He said it sounded like someone “picking up a refrigerator and dropping it.” A man at the residence in question said he has anger issues and was awakened by a cat “meowing because it is in heat.” He said “he gets loud when he is upset” and when he’s upset “he stomps on the ground really hard” to release his anger.
Wrong turn: An Amazon driver headed to Imperial, Pa., ended up stuck on Tweed Avenue, Steubenville, after he put the wrong information in his GPS, Monday. Deputies helped him get out.
Melee: A Dillonvale resident reported seeing people “outside screaming and (said it) sounded like a physical altercation, Sunday. A man at the location in question said “three women had assaulted him and stole a set of kitchenware from him,” but he didn’t want to pursue charges.
Side trip: A county resident said her brother took his girlfriend into her home while she was away and made a mess, leaving blood drops and heroin residue on candy wrappers behind, Friday. She said the woman isn’t allowed in her home since the last time she was there the woman “attempted to stab her with a broken crack pipe.” She said she was at his house when he said he was going to get milk and when he finally returned, he said he’d gone to get her dog but doesn’t even like her dog, then said he swept her floors though she insisted her floors didn’t need swept. She said when she returned home she found a pair of women’s sunglasses on her chair, ripped up cardboard all over the floors and mattress and residue on foils from chocolate Santas and complained that they rooted through all her belongings, left blood on walls, mattresses and in her bathroom and removed strings from her kids’ shorts to use as tourniquets.
Helped himself: Deputies had to intervene after a man removed a package from his ex’s mailbox and told her she could come get it any time, Monday. He turned it over after they told him removing anything from someone else’s mailbox is considered stealing.
Vandalized: Two tires on a vehicle parked overnight on county Road 15, Rayland, were slashed, Sunday.
Hit-skip: A caller reported seeing a motorist striking two cars in front of a residence in the 2200 block of Commercial Street, Mingo Junction, then fleeing the scene, Sunday. The caller said significant damage was done to both vehicles.
Steubenville Police
Storm damage: A utility pole with lived wires fell in the 100 block of North Fourth Street, Sunday. Police roped off the affected area and Steubenville firefighters remained on scene. Also Sunday, police were advised a tree had fallen on a power line in the 1400 block of University Boulevard during the windstorm. They said when they arrived, they found a power line down and causing a traffic hazard. AEP was contacted.
Pistol reported: A passerby told police a juvenile was waving a pistol at vehicles in the 1200 block of Lincoln Avenue, Sunday. Police checked the area but didn’t see anyone outside at the time.
Charged: Two people were issued summons after they allegedly tried to leave Wal-Mart without paying for merchandise, Sunday. Police said James D. Walsh, 26, and Chelsea N. Keyes, 22, both of 1888 LaCroft Ave., East Liverpool, were charged with misdemeanor theft. Employees told police the pair came to their attention after they watched Walsh eating a sandwich as he strolled through the store and then discarding the wrapper in the men’s department and claimed neither of them made an attempt to purchase the items in their possession.
Booked: Bruce V. Kohlepp, 27, no fixed address, warrants for misdemeanor theft and failure to appear, Sunday.
Booked: Miranda Martin, 40, 224 North St., Steubenville, assault, Sunday. No further details were available.