Police reports
Steubenville Police
Wrong bed: Police patrolling the downtown area reported hearing a man yelling at someone on Superior Street, Monday. They found the man standing in the street, bleeding from his mouth and said he told them “he’d been assaulted in his sleep … as he had been caught sleeping in the same bed with (the other man’s) significant other.” He claimed he only remembered being hit in the face while sleeping and the two of them ended up outside the residence. The other man went back in the house when he saw police coming, and the victim waffled on whether he wanted to press charges, but ultimately decided he just “wanted to go back inside and go to bed.” Police advised him to find somewhere else to stay for the night but he refused, insisting he was going to stay at his home. He said he would sleep in a room away from the other couple.
Excuses, excuses: An anonymous caller reported a male in a white SUV assaulting his girlfriend in a parking lot in the 200 block of South Fourth Street, Saturday. As officers approached the vehicle, they said a female in the passenger seat made eye contact “and immediately began crying.” Police said the woman had “obvious markings on (her) face and neck” and when the male exited a business, they said he “immediately began to walk away from (them).” The female said she’d been cleaning his grandparent’s house for them and claimed he’d “taunted and teased” her the entire time. She said that after they left his grandparent’s house they’d stopped to get dinner and got into an argument, but denied anything physical taking place, but she couldn’t explain the redness around her neck and the scrape on her nose. Before leaving, police said they made sure he knew his girlfriend “denied anything taking place other than an argument,” but minutes later a call came in about a woman at North Seventh Street and University Boulevard being jumped and police discovered it was the same woman. She advised that after leaving downtown the male “began to berate her, advising he had been grabbed up by the cops” because of her. She said she tried to tell him she hadn’t said anything incriminating nor was she the one who called police in the first place, but when she told him he was wrong for physically abusing her, (she claims he) said, ‘I’ll just have my sisters jump you next time.” She told police she was frightened and opened the car door, at which point he told her to get out and left her there. She said she’d given him the $20 his grandparents had paid her to clean their house “in an attempt to be nice and end the argument between the two (of them)” but claims that when she told him she wanted it back “as she was no longer willing to let him have it because of his constant use of abusive language,” he struck her and then went inside a nearby business. She admitted she’d lied for him earlier “because she did not want to see him get into trouble” and eventually decided not to pursue charges.
Grinches in training: A caller reported juveniles damaging Christmas decorations in the 200 block of Lovers Lane, Sunday. Police were able to locate two of the kids involved on Starkdale Road and turned them over to their parents.
Caller concerned: A pedestrian in the South End reported hearing someone yelling and screaming, Sunday. The caller couldn’t figure out where the noise was coming from, and when they checked the area police found nothing amiss.
Served, cited: Sarah Segle, 36, 3236 Wilson Ave, Mingo Junction, served with warrant Monday for failure to appear, cited for driving under suspension.
Cited: Mariah Myers, 28, 302 Main St., Apt. 3, U-turn violation after a two-car collision Sunday at the intersection of state Route 7 and University Boulevard.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Drug state: A Door Dash driver asked deputies to check on a female he saw in the South End of Steubenville who appeared to have a stab wound, Saturday. He said the woman told him she’d taken meth and asked for a ride to a family member’s home, but said when he dropped her there it was obvious the family member couldn’t care for her. Deputies located the woman, who they said became more agitated when they arrived and claimed she was in danger. She said people “were coming to harm her” and believed an elderly relative was behind it all. Deputies said the woman complained of being cold, but when they got her shoes and jacket for her, she insisted they weren’t hers. She eventually agreed to go to the hospital for evaluation.
Handsy: A county resident said she was doing dishes when a friend of the family “came up behind her and grabbed her breast,” Friday. She said since it happened, he’s been texting her constantly “trying to apologize for his behavior.”
Big splash: A caller reported a vehicle in a creek along Seven Creeks Road near Grafton, Saturday. The caller contacted deputies again to report when a neighbor went to check on the occupants of the vehicle, they’d driven away.
Strained relations: A Brilliant woman said her ex had her car key and wouldn’t give it back unless she gave him $450, Friday. She said she’d left it behind when she moved out after a November incident. He said she could take her vehicle but claims he fixed the car for her and wants her to pay for the parts and work. He initially said he had her key, then said he’d located it but didn’t know where he put it.
Stuck: A Mingo Junction resident said a female motorist flew by her house at a high rate of speed and went into the grass at the end of her street and got stuck, Sunday. Bystanders reported hearing four shots fired as a neighbor was trying to help her extricate her vehicle. The man believed to have fired the gun insisted he just got up and knew nothing about what was going on, but his girlfriend said she’d returned home from a shopping trip and when she saw the woman’s vehicle in their yard woke him to tell him about it. The girlfriend said no shots were fired and he doesn’t own a gun, and deputies were unable to locate any casings.
Walk off: A man washing his clothes at a Wintersville laundromat said another man grabbed a camouflage duffle bag he’d left by the door, Saturday. He told deputies he didn’t see the man steal it, but said no one else was in or around the business at the time. A bystander confirmed she’d seen the man go inside but didn’t see him take the bag, though police said video footage showed the man leaving with the duffle bag.