Police reports
Steubenville Police
Grinch alert: A woman who said she packed up her kids and left a Euclid Avenue residence after a male turned the heat off told police Christmas gifts she’d ordered for them were accidentally delivered there, Saturday. Police said it’s normally a civil issue but the information was being forwarded to the prosecutor “due to (him) opening her mail.”
Mean drunk: A resident in the 300 block of North Third Street said a man was breaking windows, Saturday. He told police he heard a window break and saw the man, who he recognized, causing a disturbance and said when he left on foot he was carrying a metal pipe. Another resident said the vandal was drunk and lives in the building and showed police a second window that had broken out.
Road hazard: A motorist told police she “struck a large piece of cement in the roadway” on the John Scott Connector, Saturday. Police said the woman’s right rear tire was flat and the rim cracked. They said they located “a very large piece of the cement roadway that cracked and was in the middle of the roadway.” An officer removed it, but advised it left a large pothole.
Bad move: A Weirton man ended up in custody after he allegedly ignored a court order barring him from contacting his ex, Saturday. Police said Stephen Blauch, no age listed, 145 Starvaggi Road, was charged with violating a protection order. An Arlington Avenue resident said he’d come to the residence to grab some of his belonging and “became angry with her regarding … charges (stemming) from a prior disturbance” and threw her camera and caused a disturbance. Police said they were able to review video showing him on the property and said he admitted being there, but he told them “he was invited to the residence.” He said when they began arguing he left.
Throwing things: A woman involved in a disturbance in the 400 block of South Fifth Street said the dispute was just verbal, though the male involved had “thrown something onto the property and that she accidentally threw her phone” in response, Saturday. He was already gone and she didn’t want to pursue charges.
Hearing things: Someone requested a welfare check on a downtown resident “possibly being threatened with a gun,” Sunday. When they spoke with the male, he told police “he thought he heard someone in the house talking on the phone about a gun” but all was in order, they said.
Money talks: A Sinclair Avenue resident involved in a disturbance told police she and her male companion had been fighting about money, Friday. She said the male had left the scene and the dispute never turned physical.
Cause and effect: A man caused problems at a property in the 100 block of North Sixth Street was asked to leave, Friday. Staff members said he’d previously been banned but they allowed him to stay the night due to the weather. Because of his bad behavior they said his ban was reinstated and they don’t want him to return.
Window shopping: A caller reported seeing individuals looking in car windows in the 100 block of El Villa Way, Saturday. Police said one of the parties was possibly a juvenile they’ve had involvement with in the past but when they checked the area, they didn’t find anyone and no vehicles appeared to have been tampered with.
Disturbing the peace: A homeowner was playing his radio too loud in the 200 block of Murphy Avenue, Saturday. The resident turned the volume down.
Suspicious: A caller reported a man wearing a camo jacket entering garages in the 1400 block of Ridge Avenue, Friday. Police checked the area but didn’t see anybody matching the description.
Phone a friend A South fifth Street resident said a woman came to his home, asking to use his cell phone, then took it with him when she left, Friday.