
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Peeper: A Columbus Circle resident reported a man looking in their window and then standing in the driveway, Monday. Police located the man the caller described and advised him to stay off private properties.

Drugs: Police were alerted to a possible overdose in the 300 block of South Bend Boulevard, Monday. Steubenville firefighters told police they’d revived the man with 12 miligrams of Narcan. He was transported to the hospital for evaluation and issued a drug treatment form.

Grab’n go: A Lincoln Avenue resident told police a male friend of hers stole her cell phone, Chime card and $160 from her a week ago and she hasn’t seen him since, Monday. She wanted her things back and told police she knows his building but not his apartment number, but when they went to his home he wasn’t there.

Served: Uneak White, 29, 104 10th St., Wellsburg, warrant for failure to appear (Municipal Court), Tuesday

Jefferson County Sheriff

Feuding: A county resident told deputies her husband and father-in-law were involved in “some type of altercation” on her porch, Monday. Her husband told deputies he and his brother hadn’t spoken to their father in months due to a family issue and claimed the older man “tried to burn him with a lit cigarette.” He said his father “has a gambling problem and has lost a large amount of money.” His father left the residence before deputies arrived but when they spoke with him, admitted he’d stopped by his son’s house unannounced to apologize and very quickly realized “it was not a good idea” because they started pushing each other. Neither of them wanted to pursue charges.


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