

Weirton Medical Center

Amy and Jake Nichols of Colliers, a girl, Nov. 4

Taylor Long of Weirton, a girl, Nov. 5

Shaye and Taylor Tinney of Bloomingdale, a boy, Nov. 8

Johanna and Thomas Whittaker of Weirton, a boy, Nov. 9

Jordan and Katherine and Jordan Kelch of Steubenville, a girl, Nov. 10

Jenna and Scott Winkler of Weirton, a boy, Nov. 14

Lindsay and Teddy Varner of Toronto, a girl, Nov. 14

Katlyn Stevens and Travis Davis of Weirton, a girl, Nov. 19

Alexis and Justin Rudy of Richmond, a girl, Nov. 23

Shelby and Cory Rutt of Wellsburg, a boy, Nov. 27


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