
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Phone fight: A woman in the 100 block of North Fourth Street said when she asked a guest to turn her phone down an argument ensued, Thursday. She said she asked the guest to leave and they continued to argue and she “chest-bumped” her guest, prompting her guest to punch her in the face before she left the apartment. She didn’t want to pursue charges but doesn’t want the woman to return to her apartment.

Suspicious: A caller reported a vehicle was left running and unoccupied for about two hours with the windows down and doors unlocked in the alley behind the 1400 block of Arlington Avenue, Thursday. Police said it was parked very close to a structure, “making it nearly impossible for vehicles to pass.” The vehicle was towed.

No service: A man who walked into a Sunset Boulevard eatery with an open container of alcohol was upset when he was refused service, Thursday. Employees said they asked him to leave and he refused. Police located the open container, which was empty, and advised the man to leave and not return.

Hearing things: A city resident told police he’s been having trouble with his ex-girlfriends and thought he heard someone walking around in his home, Thursday. Police checked the residence and didn’t find anyone.

Sign missing: Police said vehicles have been parking in what should be a no parking zone in the 500 block of Woodlawn Road “close to Oregon Avenue,” Thursday. They said it appeared someone removed the city’s no parking sign, so they issued a pink warning ticket to a vehicle parked where it wasn’t supposed to be.

Booked: Malone N. Lynn, 34, no fixed address, Steubenville, petit theft and intoxication, Thursday. Lynn allegedly was taken into custody after employees at Maryland Market complained that “an intoxicated male in the store (was) acting in an erratic manner” and claim he removed several items without paying for them.

Served: Casey J. Hooker, 38, North Fifth Street, Steubenville, bench warrant, Thursday.

Cited: Kenneth W. Geiger Sr., 44, 1531 Euclid Ave., Steubenville, dog at large.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Tacky: A Pennsylvania resident told deputies someone stole the catalytic converter off his late mother’s car while the family was at her funeral, Nov. 12.

Obnoxious behavior: Employees at a Dillonvale business said a man was “acting out, calling them names and refusing to leave,” Thursday. They said it wasn’t the first time they’ve had problems with the man.

Issue oriented: A Yorkville resident said her girlfriend “was intoxicated and causing issues,” Thursday. She said they did put hands on each other, but the situation had calmed down. Deputies said the other woman was already packing some things to go and deputies told her to make sure she stayed away for the night.

Mingo Junction Police

Domestic: Dwayne D. Day, 43, 116 Potter St., domestic violence, Wednesday; Sara E. Stinespring, 36, 116 Potter St., domestic violence, Wednesday. Stinespring claimed that Day, her boyfriend, returned from work and began drinking. Afterward, he allegedly accused her of being unfaithful before “slamming” her head on the floor and kicking the right side of her stomach. Day claimed that Stinespring was sleeping when he returned home, and while drinking, he began looking through her tablet and found her to be speaking with another man. When Day asked Stinespring about it, she allegedly became upset and started punching him. Day claimed he never hit Stinespring but took her down in self-defense while being punched, which he said may have caused her to hit her head.

Cited: William Hopkins, 25, 1638 Granite Way, Columbus, violating a stop sign, driving under suspension, Saturday. Hopkins was issued a citation after allegedly failing to stop before turning on McLister Avenue from Commercial Street. Brian Cutshaw, 56, 106 Logan Ave., failure to stop after an accident and driving without insurance, Wednesday. Cutshaw was cited after, on Tuesday, allegedly inching his vehicle into another vehicle parked on West Boulevard. David Lee Applegarth Jr., 47, 304 Parr Ave., speeding, driving without insurance, Thursday.


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