
Police reports

Wintersville Police

Cited for speeding: Jeremy Taylor, 35, 1208 Madison Ave., Toronto; Stephanie Rivers, 48, 948 Broadway Blvd., Steubenville; Anna Recznik, 21, 6181 county Road 56, Toronto; Angela R.M. Rogers, 44, Surf City, N.C.; Joshua R. Ober, 39, 7849 Veterans Blvd., Chester; Tetghli M. Kight, 24, Akron; Yvonne T. Kuluk, 38, 907 Third St., Brilliant; Troy Fulford, 35, Tallahassee, Fla.; and Cherokee Mouchron, 35, 4129 Stratford Blvd., Steubenville.

Steubenville Police

Written words: A resident in the 900 block of Sherman Avenue said someone scratched messages into the paint on her vehicle, Wednesday. Police said the letter “A” was scratched into the driver’s side rear quarter panel and a four-word obscene suggestion was scratched on her hatch.

Insistent: Police were told a North Third Street resident caused a disturbance at a downtown eatery, Wednesday. The owner said the man wanted a free meal and when an employee told him that couldn’t happen, said he “began to argue with the employee and made some type of vague comment (to the effect that) ‘I rob places.'” He was gone when officers arrived, but they tracked him down and while he admitted being in the business, they said he “denied making any comments about robbing any place.” He was advised not to return to the business.

Falling hard: A tree fell on a vehicle parked on John Scott Highway near Lauretta Drive, Wednesday. Workers said they were across the street excavating when they heard the crash and found the tree on the cab of their company truck, which was unoccupied.

Bickering couple: An officer didn’t even get out of the department’s parking lot before he was stopped down by a woman who said she’d been arguing with her boyfriend and she wanted him out of her car, Wednesday. He told police he didn’t want to get out and “only wanted her to take him to work.” The two of them ended up leaving the area together.

What’s the point: Two women were arguing behind a building in the 100 block of North Fourth Street, Wednesday. One of them said she couldn’t find her car keys and believed a man in the Fort Steuben Apartments had them, but police found them on the car seat. She then claimed he’d stolen money from her purse, but she didn’t know how much money or his name and she didn’t see him take it. She didn’t have a valid license, so she had to contact someone to give her a ride and move her car. The woman she was arguing with said she didn’t know the man’s name, either.

Hit-skip: A motorist who was westbound on Adams Street said her vehicle was struck by a black Ford Escape and the woman driving it fled the scene, Wednesday. The entire driver’s side of the woman’s vehicle was damaged, police said. Police said the Escape had West Virginia plates and “should have front end damage.”


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