
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Not talking: A man in the 100 block of South Seventh Street was “stabbed several times and needed an ambulance,” Friday. Police said the victim had “two large stab wounds on his shoulder/back and another on his chest,” but when they asked him about it, he “stated that he was not going to speak with (them) about what happened because he wasn’t a snitch and did not like police.”

Too drunk to talk: A woman in the 700 block of Oakmont Avenue wanted to report a domestic disturbance, but while they were enroute to her location her partner called to report she was “destroying his house,” Saturday. Police said the woman was “extremely intoxicated and slurring her words” and while they saw “a broken blind in the middle of the floor as well as well as a broken fan on the kitchen floor,” they said she was unable to focus on current events and “kept talking about previous incidents” thought she did claim the blind was pulled down by him “throwing her down the stairs.” She couldn’t provide them with any details, but did she police what she believed to be a broken knuckle on her right hand. When they asked her how it happened they said she “could not give a response that made any sense” so they told her to call them when she was sober. The male told police when he walked in the door she was tearing his residence up and told him “You’re going to jail tonight,” so he turned around and left to avoid further issues due to her level of intoxication. He told police she injured her knuckles earlier in thw week when she was arrested

Threatened: A caller told police a man threatened another male at a business in the 400 block of South Third Street, Friday. He left, but police said when they found him near the Greek Church he refused to answer any questions. The caller said the man “came up to him and told him he would kill him.”

Friends in high places: A woman was “arguing with employees and would not leave (a) store” in the 2200 block of Sunset Boulevard, Saturday. The customer advised she was “very unhappy with how she was being treated by the employees (and) would be contacting the president of the United States to let him know how she was being treated.”

Long wait: A caller reported a “possibly intoxicated” woman fell asleep in the drive-thru at a fast food eatery, Saturday. She told police she was tired and must have fallen asleep, but they didn’t think she was coherent enough to drive so an officer told her to call someone for a ride home then parked her car for her and took the key to the police station for safekeeping. They told her she could get it when she was able to drive safely.

Dining out: A caller reported an intoxicated male “eating food in front of (his) residence,” Friday. Police said he was sitting on a retaining wall eating when they arrived, so they told him he was not wanted on the property.

Continuing saga: A man in the 1500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue said a female broke his door glass then ran into a vacant apartment, Saturday. The female denied breaking the window and told police she lives in the apartment and gets her mail there, but the landlord told them she is not a tenant, and the apartment is supposed to be vacant.

Bizarre: A man pacing in front of a residence in the 1500 block of Foster Place told police “He was upset and just wanted to return to Pittsburgh,” Saturday. His girlfriend came outside and told them all was well and she would get him to go back inside their residence. A few hours later police she wanted him removed from the residence because “he would not let them leave.” She said she’d offered to give him a ride back to Pittsburgh “but he became irate and she did not want him in her car.” Police said Michael Faulk, 28, was charged with violating a protection order after they discovered a Pennsylvania court order in effect barring him from contacting the female. They said Faulk claimed the female “had kidnapped him three months ago from Pittsburgh and has not let him leave the residence.”

Wakeup call: An officer standing outside East Elementary School said he could hear a disturbance from “somewhere on Sherman Avenue,” Friday. When he got to the area a woman told him she’d been yelling at her juvenile son “because he was refusing to go to school.” Her son said he left the house and went to a friend’s after he woke up to his “mother yelling and screaming at him” and his older sisters “yelling and threatening to ‘jump him’ if he did not get up and leave the house.” He said he left his house to defuse the situation.

Pricey date: A man in the 500 block of Union Avenue said a female “visiting his residence” that morning used his phone to Venmo $800 to her account, Saturday. He said he left his phone in her vicinity when he left the room and discovered the theft when he received an email alerting him to the fund transfer. He said he did not authorize her to transfer funds from his account and was in the process of contesting the charge with Venmo.

Surprise: A man in the 700 block of Kendall Avenue said he left his gun in his unlocked car overnight only to find it missing the following morning, Saturday

Nay sayer: Callers reported a disturbance in the 800 block of Market Street, Friday. Police said when they arrived, they heard “a large amount of noise coming from (an) apartment,” but when they talked to a woman in it she said everything was OK and police assistance was not needed. They told her to keep the noise down for the night.

So there: A woman in the 500 block of Union Avenue said her roommate was trying to kick her and her baby out and was throwing their things outside, Saturday. She told police she was going to move out but was still in the middle of packing her things. Police told her since she had established residency, the landlord would have to evict her. When they tried to speak with her roommate, that woman had “locked herself in her room and turned up her music” and refused to answer the door.

Nowhere to go: Police were asked to do a welfare check on two people in a car parked in the 2100 block of Sunset Boulevard, Sunday. The caller said they’d tried to stir them, but the occupants didn’t respond. Police said they pounded on the window and were able to awaken the two people slumped over in the car. The female said she “was currently homeless and fell asleep in the vehicle because she had nowhere to go.” The male said he’d also nodded off. They both denied using drugs and allowed police to search the car and them, but no contraband was found.

Charged: Jennifer R. Orlando, 51, 366 Woodvue Lane, Wintersville, theft and criminal trespass, Saturday. Police were told Orlando allegedly concealed merchandise valued at around $111 in her purse and on her person, then tried to leave Wal-Mart without paying for it. She previously was banned from Wal-Mart properties so she also was charged with criminal trespass, they said.

Charged: Damion Irizarry, 49, no fixed address, theft. Employees at the downtown Speedway allege Irizarry “opened up a cooler and filled it with merchandise.”

Cited: Marie Rifflard, 59, 1343 Wellesley Ave., Steubenville, dog at large. Police noted it was the second time in a week Rifflard was cited for the same offense.

Steven A. Soltesz Jr., 47, Avella, speeding; Wade J. Elder, 39, 2226 Sunset Blvd. Rear house, red light violation and expired plates.


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