
Police reports

Weirton Police

Charla Marie Mitchell, 40, no fixed address, possession of drug instrument, Nov. 8, arrested during an investigation of a suspicious vehicle in the back lot of 127 Estes Ave.

Robert Collins Kock III, 41, 3348 state Route 213, Steubenville, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug instrument, Nov. 8, arrested during investigation of vehicle at 127 Estes Ave.

Mary Lee Kimball, no age listed, 333 Laurel Circle, Weirton, shoplifting, Nov. 8, arrested during investigation following a call from the loss prevention officer at Kroger.

Vandellia Marie Winland, 42, 1588 state Route 43, Richmond, driving while license suspended, leaving the scene of an accident, possession of marijuana, possession of a drug abuse instrument, no insurance, Sunday, arrested following the investigation of an automobile crash on North 12th Street.

Lee Michael Beckett, 40, 180 North 4th St., Apt. 4, Steubenville, possession of a controlled substance – MDMA/Ecstasy, possession of a drug abuse instrument, Monday, police investigated a complaint of an individual on private property.

West Virginia State Police

Charged: Sean M. Spence, 27, 717 Loretta Ave., Toronto, soliciting a minor using a computer, Friday, for allegedly sending messages of an amorous nature to a minor and suggesting they spend time together.

Charged: Cody Colley, 32, and Kaitlyn Colley, 32, both of 1712 Commerce St., Wellsburg, both for child neglect creating risk of injury, Wednesday. According to police reports, Kaitlyn Colley was observed driving erratically, with a child as passenger, to the pair’s apartment, where officers found hypodermic needles and other drug paraphernalia.

Steubenville Police

Facing charges: A city resident was charged after police allegedly spotted him behind a store in the 200 block of South Hollywood Boulevard, Tuesday. Police charged Bruce V. Kohlhepp, 27, no fixed address, with public indecency and contempt of court because he’d been warned previously to stay off the property.

Served: Lawrence R. Hicks, 36, 1241 Ridge Ave., Steubenville, warrant for failure to appear, Monday.

Cited: Roberta L. Sutten, 43, 515 Pittsburgh St., Steubenville, dog at large after a caller reported a male “was being mauled by two dogs.” Police said the male in question told them the dogs didn’t bite him, but he had groceries on his front porch and two brown dogs tried eating the food. When he intervened he said they “seemed aggressive” so he and a family member used a stick to get them off the porch. Another couple advised they’d encountered the dogs and felt they “seemed aggressive and were possibly going to attack them” so they got in a vehicle to get away from them.

Escape artists: Marie Rifflard, 59, 1343 Wellesley Ave., Steubenville, dog at large after callers complained of five dogs running loose Police said the owner told them “the animals were jumping her fence in the backyard” and they told her “it was her responsibility to keep the animals secured on her property.”

Fugitive: A man wanted by Pennsylvania authorities on a gun offense was located in Steubenville, Wednesday. Police said David Schuster, 33, of Butler, Pa., was taken into custody at a residence in the 1300 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. They said Schuster, wanted in Butler for failing to appear in court for a weapon offense, was booked into the county jail as a fugitive from justice. He also was charged with criminal trespass.

Drugs: An overdose was reported in the 300 block of Market Street, Wednesday. Police said the woman admitted taking suboxone, but said she had a prescription for it. She was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Neighborhood issue: A mother in the 1300 block of Sinclair said she “is still having issues with (a neighbor’s) children,” Wednesday. She said almost every day when they get off the bus “they begin picking on her children, chasing them home and hitting them with rocks/sticks.” One of her kids had a small cut on her lip and at the top of her head. Police were able to speak with one of the neighbor’s three kids who said “it wasn’t him, it was his brother.” They told leave the caller’s kids alone and tell his brother to do the same.

Booked: James Howard, 36, no fixed address, probation violation (Toronto county court), Wednesday. A homeowner in the 1500 block of Foster Place had requested police assistance after a neighbor told her Howard was at her residence. She said she’s in the process of moving and isn’t at the location but she didn’t want him to be there while she was away. He told police he was “only at the residence to watch over (her) belongings while she was away.” Howard called his ex while police were there and she advised him she doesn’t want him there.

Theft: A Sherman Avenue resident said someone ripped her screen window and stole her Ring doorbell camera from the window, Wednesday.

Code issues: Police said notices of violation were sent to the owners/occupants of properties at 271 Cunningham Lane, high grass/weeds; and 1344 Arlington Ave., large pile of junk in yard; 1533 Euclid Ave., junk and litter piled behind garage; 1605 Ridge Ave., junk, storage totes and indoor items in yard, porch and driveway; 906 Pittsburgh St., old trailer filled with junk and garbage; 1344 Oak Grove Ave., bathtub and other indoor items in front, other items in rear of property; 638 Slack St., junk and litter piled against side of building.

Cited: Brittany L. Miniajlo, 27, Pittsburgh, driving under suspension, speeding and expired registration; Joseph A. Ekwoanya, 47, 1636 Pershing Ave., Steubenville, speeding; Ronald Henry, 42, 1300 Main St., no town listed, expired registration and no operator’s license; Seamus F. Haney, 20. Wayzata, Minn., speeding

Jefferson County Sheriff

Birthday brawl: Callers reported two men fighting in the street in Richmond, Sunday. They said they’d gathered to celebrate his wife’s birthday and the man began arguing with his sister-in-law. He claimed the sister-in-law “attacked him and got in his face” and the husband” came at him when he tried to push her away.” The sister-in-law said he’d thrown her to the ground and her husband stepped in. Another party-goer advised the man started arguing with his wife because “she was going to bed and not helping clean up” and when the sister-in-law stepped in, telling him there were three of them to help, he threw her to the ground. She wanted to pursue charges. Deputies noted all involved were intoxicated.

Burning man: A caller reported a man burning debris along county Road 47, (Knox Township) Toronto, Saturday. Deputies approaching the location said they could see and smell the smoke about a mile away and said it was on the verge of getting out of control. A man across the road claimed responsibility for the fire and “was observed drinking alcohol, deputies said. They said the man was filling a bucket with water and crossing the street and throwing it on spots,” noting that his efforts “weren’t going to contain it.” Toronto firefighters were called to extinguish the fire, which deputies noted was under a tree and power lines and surrounded by long patches of dried leaves and dead plants, They said trash, plastic, foam, furniture and aerosol cans were in the burn pile. Deputies said the man was told there was a burn ban in effect and he was also in violation of environmental regulations, so he should expect “a court date with criminal charges.”

Violent man: A Toronto woman reported an altercation with her ex-boyfriend Nov. 8. She said they broke up after a previous domestic violence incident, but after he was fired from his job she took his final paycheck to him as a courtesy. She said when she put her phone down and left the room, he scrolled through it and saw something he didn’t like, and when she returned to the room, she said he “punched the side of her face,” grabbed her throat and pushed her into a wall. She said he wouldn’t let her leave the room and threw her phone into a toilet. Deputies said her face was swollen and bruised.

Extortion: A Mingo Junction woman said she and her daughters were being threatened by a female who was demanding money not to harm them, Nov. 7. She said the texter told her she “knows where she lives” and that her daughters had been in some trouble.

Hanging on: A Steubenville area woman said her ex was banging on her door and yelling, refusing to leave, Nov 8. She said he threatened to burn her home down, and when he left said she was “not getting it” when she told him she didn’t want him there. Deputies located the man’s car at the home of a family member who told them she didn’t think he’d come in but would relay the message that he needed to stay away from his ex’s property. Deputies said the man has outstanding warrants and has a history of slipping away before law enforcement arrives.

Scammed: A Bloomingdale woman said she was bilked out of $500 by someone who hacked a friend’s Facebook account, Monday. She said the thief posed as her friend and said she needed to purchase a new vehicle, so she sent her $500 through PayPal.

In the way: A white van blocking a driveway on Emmet Way, Steubenville, was towed, Wednesday. Deputies said the plates on the van belonged to a different vehicle and when they talked to the woman van’s registration was expired and the plates belonged on another vehicle. They spoke to the owner of the vehicle they plate should have been on and she said she had loaned it to a friend for his work van so he “could get back on his feet.” She called the friend who reported he’d run out of gas and would be back at the van in a few minutes but the homeowner needed to leave from work and since the registration was expired and the plate didn’t belong on the vehicle deputies had it towed. Deputies said they found a crack pipe in the vehicle when they inventoried the contents before it was removed.

Taunting: A Stratton woman said she’s being threatened by another female, Monday. She said the female is threatening to come to her residence and (assault) her and said she “won’t live to see 60.” She said the woman is friends with an individual who obtained a protection order against her.

Fraudulent activity: A caregiver reported a patient’s Ohio Direction card was used to make a purchase in Maine. The card was canceled.

Theft: Someone broke into a garage in Mount Pleasant, Monday. The owner said a wheelbarrow, an electrical box (exterior) and another interior electrical box with breakers were taken, along with three gas cans, give crow bars, shovels, a hoe, a small tripod and other items were missing.

Hoodies: A Yorkville woman said two juveniles wearing black hoodies were “pounding on her back door, trying to get in,” Tuesday.

Vehicles moved: Employees of a Lima firm reported a bucket truck had been stolen from a Rayland work site, Nov. 9. They said they found the truck on a concrete pad not far from the work site, then discovered a work truck was also missing from their parking lot. They said they found it in front of an old school building near the intersection of Zane Avenue and county Road 15, but the rear window had been shattered.

Loud arguers: A caller reported hearing “yelling and screaming” coming from a residence in the 100 block of Williams Street, Tuesday. Deputies said the couple involved said all was well and they were “just having an argument.”

Wrecked: A driver crashed his pickup into the concrete wall facing north in the southbound lane just north of County Road 17, Monday. Deputies said the door couldn’t be opened so they helped the driver get out, then secured a weapon they spotted on the driver side floor. He was taken to East Ohio Regional Hospital by Brilliant EMS and the investigation turned over to Ohio State Highway Patrol.

Woke: A caller reported seeing a man passed out in a black Chevy SUV in a parking lot in Dillonvale with two kids in the back seat, Monday. An employee told deputies the driver left before they arrived.


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