
Police reports

Mingo Junction Police

Charged: Paul Harry Black, 39, 122 Spring Ave., domestic violence, menacing, Sunday.

Frightening find: A Holly Avenue resident told police he found a possible human bone in his newly purchased home, Sunday. Nothing else was found in the home’s garage except for a large amount of dirt around the bone, which the resident believed may have come from a human. With assistance from a Mingo Junction fireman, police were able to identify the bone as having come from a deer.

Suspicious: A caller who wished to remain anonymous claimed to have spotted a male and female loading unknown items into their vehicle behind a South Commercial Street business, Sunday. Police made contact with the two, who stated they were picking up damaged and unusable pallets that the business puts out for free and that they’d been given permission to grab a few that day.

We don’t talk anymore: Police said on Monday that a report would be on file regarding a Commercial Street resident whose estranged husband had allegedly been contacting her, in spite of a standing restraining order. The resident said her estranged husband has been messaging her on Facebook and showed police messages he’d sent to her on Sunday.

Asked to leave: A man ended up banned from the Mingo Junction Dollar General on Tuesday after allegedly dumpster diving without permission, according to reports. The man claimed he’d been given permission to take boxes from inside the store and had never been asked to leave. An employee, however, said the man had been asked to leave and was driving his vehicle recklessly around the parking lot. Security cameras were unable to provide evidence as to that claim, reports said. The employee banned the man from the store in the future. The man returned all items before his girlfriend arrived to drive his vehicle, as his license has been expired for about six months.

Vandalism: A Benita Drive resident reported on Wednesday that a satellite dish had been thrown off the Mingo High School roof overnight. Police observed the dish to be on the ground with smily faces and X’s for eyes spray painted on it, as well as white paint on the ground and inside the building.

Toronto Police

Charged: David P. Straka, 37, 707 Daniels St., driving while suspended, fictitious registration and expired plate.

Wintersville Police

Cited for speeding: Diana L. Hornyak, 69, 1816 county Road 11, Dillonvale; Jerome L. Taylor, 61, 1205 North Fourth St., Toronto; and Thomas Kimball, 57, 149 A Reichart Ave.

Cited: Desirae D. Oliver, 35, 629 Lincoln Ave., Steubenville, failure to assure clear distance; and John Renaudo, 49, Apartment 4, 2338 Chestnut St., Steubenville, red light violation.

Summoned: Caitlynn D. Chase, 26, 3334 county Road 39, Bloomingdale, theft.

West Virginia State Police

Charged: Justin K. Cika, 44, Bridgeport, Ohio, possession of a controlled substance, Oct. 25.


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