
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Crying shame: Two young children were left alone in a minivan parked outside TJmaxx, Tuesday. The women who called said they heard a baby crying and figured they kids had been left alone for at least 15 minutes. The mother of the children appeared and told police the kids were aged 18 months and 6 months, and she’d left them in the van “for only a short period of time while she went into the store.” Police told her the kids were too young to be left alone in a vehicle.

Bicyclist struck: A Steubenville High School administrator reported a student bicycling eastbound on Sunset Boulevard attempted to cross Belleview Boulevard and was hit by a car, Tuesday. Police located video of the accident and said the youth entered the intersection on a walk signal with a green light for traffic on Sunset when a maroon Honda CRV attempting a right turn off Belleview struck him. Police said a white female got out of the SUV “for a brief moment” and then the vehicle left westbound on Sunset. The investigation is continuing.

Diving in: A caller reported seeing a woman in a dumpster at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Tuesday. Police located a woman matching the description the caller gave and advised her not to return.

Bad habits: A caller reported juveniles trying to buy cigarettes at the downtown Speedway, Wednesday. Employees told police one of the youths gave an adult female entering the store money and she then was “wanting to make a separate purchase with the money for cigarettes.” Police spoke with one of the juveniles and then took him home. The others were advised to leave the property.

Pirated package: A Brady Circle resident reported a package of vintage copper pots delivered to her apartment by UPS last week had been stolen, Tuesday.

Vehicle towed: Police said they towed a silver vehicle from Heritage Place Apartments after they tried to stop the driver but he took off on foot instead, leaving it behind, Tuesday.

Code issues: Notices of violation were sent to owners/occupants of properties at 530 Union Ave., “large pile of junk and litter in backyard and alley,” and 518 Union Ave., junk and litter piled in rear of property.

Cited: Russell E. Marker, 46, Kenesha, Wisc., speeding and driving under suspension.

Wellsburg Police

Charged: Makayla Vancamp, 25, Rear 2246 Main St., keeping vicious dogs, violation of dog control regulations and failure to vaccinate pets, Oct. 24.

Follansbee Police

Charged: Christopher J. Forrester, 34, 4811 Eldersville Road, Colliers, possession of a controlled substance, Oct. 24.

Brooke County Sheriff’s Department

Charged: Sean R. Scipio II, 37, Apartment A, 213 Yankee St., Wellsburg, trespassing and failure to appear, Oct. 24.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Dump job: A Grafton Road resident told deputies he found a truck parked in his driveway that appeared to have been in an accident, Tuesday. He said the front end and windshield had been damaged and the driver got out of the truck and walked away. Deputies said the Ohio State Highway Patrol was investigating reports “an old-style pickup hitting a sign on state Route 213 at a high rate of speed” and was last seen turning onto Grafton.

Trashy look: Deputies said a Mingo Junction residence had a “massive amount of garbage and junk … piled throughout the front of a property” with only a narrow path allowing access to the front door, Tuesday. Police said Steubenville township code enforcement and Jefferson County Health District were notified.

Wintersville Police

Cited for speeding: Donald Cheripko, 89, 117 Cathy Drive; Phillip J. Mattucci, 64, Wintersville; Joyce A. Adams, 67, 124 Main St., Dillonvale; Ronald E. Tucker, 59, McMechen, W.Va.; Evan M. Dylewski, 41, 636 Lovers Lane, Steubenville; Nathan J. Neely, 27, 15 Harmony Drive


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