
Police reports

Jefferson County Sheriff

Overthinking: A Jefferson County resident reported a family member threatened “to kill her or himself” after they argued, Friday. The woman told a deputy “She doesn’t actually think (he) would kill her” and that he’d said nothing that led her to believe he would, but she was convinced he might kill himself and figured he might get rid of her first because “most people who kill themselves take someone out with them.” She told deputies she’d calmed down before deputies arrived “and she thinks she will be fine” and had taken the gun away from him for safekeeping. The male said his medications are off balance and he was going to get them checked.

Talking tough: An area resident allegedly threatened a customer service agent at a local bank because a hold was placed on his debit card, Monday. Police were told the man was distraught and said he would attack an employee if he could not be helped. The bank is reviewing the tape.

Creeped out: A Maplewood Drive resident asked deputies to check a residence because a lock was broken and a family member reported hearing someone in the house, Monday.

Loud: A Wintersville resident reported loud music coming from a neighbor’s property, Saturday. He said he texted the neighbor to turn it down but they “only turned the volume up louder.” Deputies said there was no loud music coming from the neighbor’s house when they came by the first time, but a few minutes after they left, they were called back because the music was loud again. This time deputies heard the music and talked to the homeowner, who agreed to turn it down.

Cited: Jon Walter Patterson, East Liverpool, DUS and fictitious plates. Patterson said a friend had just purchased the vehicle from an individual on state Route 213, but when they requested the registration deputies said he produced several, none of which matched the vehicle.

Cited: Michael Terry, 151 Union St., Mount Pleasant, driving under suspension and turn signal violation.

Steubenville Police

Friendly folk: A man causing a disturbance in the emergency room at Trinity Medical Center West told police he “believed he’d been given drugs by his friends in Harrison County,” Tuesday. When asked for his name the man he would only say “Strawman.”

Target: The owner of a car parked in the 400 block of South Sixth Street told police it was egged overnight, Tuesday. Police said there was egg residue on the side of the vehicle.

Strange agent: Callers reported a man acting strangely in a parking lot on Seventh Street, Tuesday. Police didn’t observe anyone causing problems at that location, but shortly after they got another call about a man who was behaving oddly. When they located the man, they said “he was clearly suffering from some type of drug problem” so an ambulance was called to transport him to the hospital.

Shopping season: J.C. Penney employees told police a woman loaded nearly $400 in toys and clothing she hadn’t paid for into a white pickup, then came back in the store, Tuesday. Police allege Amy M. Bartholomew, 41, 507 Lincoln Blvd., “placed numerous toys and clothing in a store buggy, and then placed several pillows that she legally purchased from the store on top of the toys to conceal them.” Bartholomew was booked into the Jefferson County Justice Center for theft and a bench warrant for failure to appear. A male who was in the truck, Michael Walnoha, 54, Arden Avenue, had an active warrant for failure to appear in Columbiana County and was turned over to sheriff’s deputies in that county.

Packaged: A county resident was taken into custody after Wal-Mart employees claimed they watched her taking clothing and electronics out of their packaging and trying to conceal them in her clothing, Tuesday. Police said Athena J. Spears, 24, 1940 township Road 134, Dillonvale, was charged with theft,

Summoned: A woman was detained after employees at Wal-Mart allegedly saw her trying to leave the store with grocery items she hadn’t paid for, Tuesday. Police said Sarah A. John, 47, 224 Hudson Ave., Weirton, was issued a summons for theft after they reviewed the security footage. John allegedly had $284 in stolen merchandise, they said.

Damaged: The owner of a vehicle parked in the 1000 block of McKinley Avenue said someone had broken out her rear window, Tuesday.

Drugs: Police assisted an unresponsive male in the 700 block of Market Street, Tuesday. Steubenville firefighters administered two doses of Narcan and when he revived, police said the man “admitted to taking a pill he believed to be Subutex or Suboxone, and that he didn’t have a prescription for either of them. “He was given a city treatment form.

Code violations: Notices of violation were sent to the owners/occupants of properties in the 1400 Euclid Ave., garbage bags piled on side of residence; 1503 Ridge Ave., cardboard boxes and junk scattered in back yard; and 403 Belleview Blvd., a bathtub and scattered junk and litter, as well as a Land Rover in the back yard.

Cited: Damian A. Harrison, 22, 1632 Roosevelt Ave., Steubenville, marked lane violation following a fender bender in a parking lot in the 4000 block of Mall Drive. Harrison allegedly struck a parked car when he turned into the parking lot.


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