Police reports
Steubenville Police
Rough road: A vehicle was flipped on its roof in a driveway in the 400 block of South Seventh Street, Dec. 7. Police said the owner told them she didn’t know how it got there and said she wasn’t driving it. She said she’d been out the night before and when she was dropped off at her home saw the vehicle on its roof with sheets covering it. Police said the entire vehicle was damaged and the roof caved in, and said it appeared to have gone over a hill.
Disrespectful: A woman in the 400 block of South Fifth Street said her husband spit in her face, then left the area, Sunday.
Booked: Joshua Gooch, 37, 1308 Oregon Ave., Steubenville, domestic violence, Dec. 9. Police said Gooch had complained that he and a juvenile were in a physical altercation and the juvenile “is continually violent toward him and other family members.” They said the juvenile had redness under his eye and marks around his neck, with a bite mark on his neck. He alleged the adult male “antagonized him and began punching and grabbing him,” all unprovoked.
Booked: Katrina Scott, 23, 446 S. Fifth St., Steubenville, domestic violence, Dec. 7. Police allege Scott “appeared in distress or intoxicated” and was loud and argumentative with police and the father of one of her children. Scott allegedly ran out of the house twice with the child wearing only a shirt, smashed a chair and threw an ash tray on the floor, and, with police reportedly watching, walked past the male “and drew her fist back.” Police advised him to seek custody of the child through the courts.
Camera shock: Employees at Kroger said a female tried to push a shopping cart full of merchandise she hadn’t paid for, and when the wheels locked up she threw the merchandise in a bag and fled in a silver Honda Odyssey. Police have the registration and a possible suspect.
Banned: A man banned from a social service agency didn’t like being reminded he couldn’t be there “and threatened to punch” the female who told him, Dec. 7.
Prowler: A juvenile in the 1300 block of Oregon Avenue told police a male wearing all black was circling the residence with a gun, Dec. 7. The youth told police he was in the house when he caught the male looking at him through the front door window, and when the man realized he’d seen him, he said the prowler “lifted his shirt and brandished what appeared to be a firearm.”
Drugs: Police said a man overdosed in a bathroom in the 100 block of North Sixth Street, Dec. 7. They said another resident of the facility found him, and staff members said they’d revived him with 8 mg of Narcan. Shawn C. Thomas, 40, 142 N. Sixth St., Steubenville, was charged with possession of drugs and possession of drug abuse instruments, Dec. 7. Police said Thomas told them he’d injected fentanyl.
Crying wolf: A man claimed he’d been chased through a house in the 1500 block of Maryland Avenue by a man with a gun and a taser and had locked himself in the bathroom after an argument, Sunday. He told police when he thought things had calmed down enough, he opened the door and was walking down the stairs but the man tased him anyway. Police said they spoke with two of the caller’s family members as well as the man he said had tased him, all of whom said there was no firearm and no one was tased. When they asked the caller why he’d reported a firearm involved he said he “was scared at the moment and believed he saw a firearm” on the other man. They said the caller doesn’t live at the residence and was told to leave the area and advised “to be more cautious in the future” when contacting police because providing false information to police “could be grounds for charges.”