
Marriage applications

The following marriage applications have been filed in Jefferson County:

Mark Christopher Cole II of Steubenville and Emilee Annalise Karas of Wintersville

Andrew Keith Harper of Sardis and Ana Karina Resendiz-Salazar of Steubenville

Daniel Joseph Vogel of Steubenville and Korina Lynn Chaney of Toronto

Rick Allen Hinerman and Chelsea Marie Anderson, both of Toronto

Derrek Edward Cason and Cortney Nicole Roe, both of Steubenville

Gregory William Bates of Rayland and Myra Jade Pierson of Mingo Junction

Andrew West Carpenter and Virginia Judith Miller, both of Steubenville

Rodney Ranier Vein and Patricia Lynn Virtue, both of Richmond

Nathaniel Christopher Spears and Kayla Marie Sock, both of Toronto

Joshua Michael Knipp and Eric Kaylee Shockley, both of Richmond


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