
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Seeing things: Police said a man ran into the street at the intersection of Washington and Fourth streets “screaming that he (was) being chased,” Tuesday. They said he tried to get in a police cruiser patrolling the area, pulling at the door handle yelling at (the officer) to let him in. Police said the man kept saying he was being chased but they didn’t see anyone, and he eventually told them he’d “smoked a joint that may have been laced with another drug,” and that he also was “withdrawing from not having his suboxone.” While they were talking to him, the man “pointed down the street stating that one of the subjects chasing him was walking,” but “there was no one in the area where (he) was pointing.” Concerned that he’d already walked into the street without regard for traffic, he was taken to Trinity West for evaluation.

Cited for hit-skip: A driver was cited after allegedly crashing into a vehicle parked in the 600 block of Oakmont Avenue, propelling it into another parked car before fleeing the scene on foot, Wednesday. Police cited Knisha K. Saunders, 25, 430 Oakmont, for failure to control and leaving the scene of a crash after her car was found abandoned in the roadway with the engine still running, but she was nowhere in sight. They said while they were waiting for a tow truck Saunders returned to the scene and told them “she needed to use the restroom so she went to a friend’s house.” Police said they cited her for leaving the scene after confirming with dispatch she hadn’t called to report the accident. All three vehicles suffered heavy front-end damage, police said, adding that “it appeared (Saunders’) car was traveling southbound … at a high rate of speed” prior to the collision.

Big thirst: Employees at a fast-food restaurant said a woman came through the drive-thru and ordered food but no drink, then got argumentative because they didn’t give her one, Monday. An employee poured the woman a soft drink but she refused to pay for it, and when the employee turned around the unruly customer “jumped through the window and poured (herself) a drink from the fountain,” then ran out the front door and fled in a red Jeep.

Driver, passenger charged: Two women are facing charges after a traffic stop on University Boulevard, Monday. Police said Mary Benvenuti, 69, 609 ½ Third St., Brilliant, was issued a summons for possession of a Schedule III drug and cited for one headlight and driving under suspension, and one of her passengers, Tiffany Miller, 34, 124 S. Ffith St., Steubenville, was booked into the county jail after being charged with possession a Schedule II drug and possession of drug paraphernalia and served with a warrant for failure to appear in Toronto County Court.

Bothered: A woman in the 1500 block of Foster Place said she’s being harassed, Tuesday. She said a man called her “threatening to break her windows out” after they argued earlier in the day.

Persistent: Lowe’s employes identified a man who allegedly stole $2,463 in copper piping, PVC piping and other items from the store, Tuesday. Police said the items were stolen Oct. 28 and the same man is believed to have stolen items from several stores in the area. They said he was taken into custody by police in Wheeling.


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